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Imogen: It is.

Patrick: How often do you swim?

Imogen: During the season, five days a week. Sometimes six. In the off season, I swim after class every day. Well, every day I have class.

Patrick: How many days is that?

Imogen: Three, right now. I'm not sure what I'll do in the fall. I won't have as much time. I won't have as many chances to hit the water.

Patrick: But you need it?

Imogen: I do.

Patrick: What do you love about it?

Imogen: I can't put it into words. It just feels right. It feels like home.

Patrick: I know what you mean.

Imogen: So many of my teammates don't go to the pool or the beach. A lot of people on my high school team went to college, stopped swimming entirely. I can't imagine that. I know life gets in the way, but when I have to go a few weeks without a pool or a large body of water… I don't feel like me. Do you have anything like that?

Patrick: Sketching.

Imogen: You can do that anywhere.

Patrick: Yeah, but to really get into it, fall into the zone? That's different.

Imogen: And you have to make the mental effort. You have to let your guard down and be honest with yourself.


How does she know that?

Imogen: It's the same when I write. I try to journal every day, to keep up with my thoughts.

Patrick: You seem to have a lot.

Imogen: I do.

Patrick: I like that about you.

Imogen: Thanks.

Patrick: Sorry. You didn't text asking for conversation.

Imogen: As long as you don't leave me waiting.

Patrick: Are you alone?

Imogen: In my room.

Patrick: Show me.

She sends a picture of her legs stretched over the sheets. It feels different than last time. Deeper. More intimate.

Patrick: What are you wearing?

Imogen: Uh-uh. Your turn.

Tags: Crystal Kaswell Romance