Page 156 of The Hookup Experiment

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Julie: Fireworks everywhere. Like the ones at freakin' Disneyland. I know her so well. I know her as a friend. I love her as a friend. And then this… I guess it's like you said with the hot tattoo artist. There is something more intimate about it.

Imogen: There is.

Julie: She intimidates me. Or maybe I'm just not ready for sex yet, I don't know. I trust her. But I'm scared too.

Imogen: It's always scary at first.

Julie: For you, really? You're so brave.

Imogen: For me too.

Julie: You didn't act that way.

Imogen: I put on a strong face.

Julie: Who was the first guy you *ahem*?

Imogen: What does *ahem* stand for?

Julie: Oral sex.

Imogen: Me on him?

Julie: And the other way. But that first.

Imogen: You remember the guy who took me to winter formal?

Julie: He was cute.

Imogen: Yeah. And he was kinda sweet, too. Maybe that's why I tried it because he didn't push. There was this vibe at school, like all the girls were doing it, like it was unnatural to not blow a guy you've been dating for a few months. I want to say it was some douchebag dude who started the rumor, but I think it was women. I don't know why I bought it. My nerdy friends weren't ready either. But a few teammates… they would play Never Have I Ever on the bus and shoot sad looks at the girls without experience.

Julie: That's fucked up.

Imogen: That's why I worry about you.

Julie: Did you like it?

Imogen: Sorta. Sorta not. It's weird. But it's nice with a guy you like, a guy who's patient with you.

Julie: Patrick?

Imogen: Yes.

Julie: Zack?

Imogen: Sometimes. There is something sexy about it. But when a guy pushes… that kind of ruins the whole thing.

Julie: Did he go down on you? Was he the first?

Imogen: He was.

Julie: The winter formal guy didn't offer?

Imogen: He did, but I was too nervous. Embarrassed, I guess. People said it was a way to stay in control, to keep your clothes on, and it is, in some ways, but it's not in others.

Julie: Maybe I should stick with women.

Imogen: Whoever treats you well.

Tags: Crystal Kaswell Romance