Page 151 of The Hookup Experiment

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Imogen: Yes, but he's aware of it.

Julie: How bad?

Imogen: Dad rock.

Julie: Our dad? Or general dads?

Imogen: General.

Julie: Oof.

Imogen: Please. You listen to Yop 40.

Julie: You're just jealous the music you like isn't popular anymore.

Imogen: People remember Fiona Apple. People won't remember whoever you're jamming.

Julie: Everyone will remember Taylor Swift and we both know you secretly love her.

Imogen: I enjoy some of her work.

Julie: OMG, you're so full of it. I remember you rocking out to all sorts of Swiftie jams, but okay, sure. Why are you embarrassed you like something popular anyway? Wasn't Fiona Apple popular in her day?

Imogen: Are you calling me basic?

Julie: OMG, GRANDMA. No one says basic anymore. But what's wrong with liking things other people like?

Imogen: How can something everyone likes be good?

Julie: Because it's easy to like.

Imogen: Exactly. I want something hard to like. I want something with sharp edges.

Julie: Well, you do sound like Imogen. The girl Zack described? Honestly, I was wondering if he was two-timing you and he'd accidentally written to the wrong ex-girlfriend's sister. I talked to him for such a long time, trying to get to the bottom of it. How could he have such a wrong impression? Was he not paying attention? Or was I wrong somehow?

Imogen: I didn't share myself with him.

Julie: I figured. I mean, when he said you watched four movies about violent dudes on four nights in a row… no way. You hate violent movies.

Imogen: I do.

Julie: And he thought you liked them! And that you liked his conversations about film because you didn't interrupt. I wanted to tell him, OMG, you have Immy so wrong! If she's quiet, she's thinking hard. Maybe about something important, something she really wants to tell you. Or maybe that you're an idiot, and she has no idea how to break it to you.

Imogen: I'm not that mean.

Julie: Not usually.

Imogen: His lectures were the worst.

Julie: Men are like that a lot.

Imogen: What men?


Imogen: I mean… what do you mean?

Julie: Isn't that how he was? He'd talk to you, but really, he was talking to himself. He never made sure you were listening. He took silence as consent. And I don't mean sexually, so don't go there. I haven't gone that far with any guys.

Tags: Crystal Kaswell Romance