Page 94 of Wild Cub

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“You fucked up again! Instead of standing up for me, you stood there and said nothing. Nothing!” I punch him lightly on the side. “You sat there and gave me a look like shut up and take it! I’ve proved my loyalty time and time again. I have your brand on my shoulder, for fuck’s sake!” Another couple of punches land on his side. “Then, when I asked you to involve me, to fix it, I got nothing. You did nothing! You don’t need me anymore!”

This time, I smack him across the face. My hand stings from the impact, and his cheek is stained slightly red. I stop, looking at his cheek, stunned. Tears threaten to spill over my eyelids.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.I didn’t mean to, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” I shake my head in disbelief that I went that far. I may push him or shove or even take him down in the ring, but never a smack.

“Oh, Little Cub. I will always need you.” He takes a small step closer. It’s like he didn’t even feel the slap. “Without you, it’s hard to breathe. I need you to bring me back to life. I need your love in my pitch black days.”

He reaches for me, arms outstretched. He tucks a hair behind my ear, tilting my chin up to him. “It is going to take more than pushing and a loud attitude to change Rawlings’ mind. But I need you by my side. One day, things will change, I promise you. I know I fucked up.” The glimmer in his eye, the sincerity, the beautiful words behind a bit of doubt; it all makes me want to crumble into his arms.

“You fucked up.”

“Just a little bit,” he winks, softly pressing a kiss to my lips. His peppermint and woodsy scent is intoxicating. I deepen the kiss, rising to my toes, throwing my arms around his neck.

“Darlin’,” he moans into my mouth.

“Mm, that’s not my name.” I throw his old words back at him. He smiles against my kiss. “Oh, Little Cub, Little Cub.”

“Take me home, you big, bad wolf.”

Chapter 29

Alexandercouldn’tgetoutof there fast enough. The look in his eyes when I told him to take me home, like a feral animal ready to pounce at any moment, thrilled me. This day, let alone this month, has been shit and not what I expected nor wanted. One thing is for certain, though: when Alexander has sex and desire on the mind, he fulfills every wish.

We get to my house, Brittany’s on the porch with a mug in her hand. Alexander eyebrows scrunch inward for a moment. He gets out and yells at Britt to go home. In response, Britt throws an attitude at him, as expected.

“Last time I checked you don’t own the mortgage,” she retorts. I swear, they would end up killing each other if left alone too long. He looks back at me, practically begging me to do something. I bite back a laugh.

“Britt, kindly go home so Alexander can toss me around like a sack of potatoes.” The shock in his eyes, in disbelief that I’d say that; pure heaven.

“Natural selection, my ass,” she mutters, giving a small salute to me and a middle finger to Alexander. He looks at me, clearly confused about what just happened. I just shrug.

“Get your pretty little ass in the house,” he commands.

“Awe you think I’m pretty?”Oops, the brat might be coming out.

“We’ll see how far that mouth will get you.” His eyes dart to me as I walk towards the house.

“I seem to remember it getting me pretty far.” I smirk at him, knowing that’s going to earn a few swats on the ass. “But first you have to catch me.”

I bolt from the front of the house towards the back, into the nearby wooded area. I don’t look behind me, knowing that Alexander is cursing under his breath, but secretly enjoying the chase. . My mind flits back to our first date, how unusual and sensual it was. I shiver in anticipation.

With the sun setting, low light shines through the trees. The woods snap at every footstep that strikes the ground. Every twig, every leaf under my feet crunch loudly.

I only hear my steps, and it’s terrifying. I don’t bother turning around to see if he’s following me. I know he is.

I slow my strides before coming to a complete stop, questioning whether he did, in fact, follow. I back track towards the open back yard, looking around and not seeing anyone.

I look down at the ground, noticing my shadow, just before another joins. Hands clamp down on my upper arms.

“You’re mine,” he says. His voice tickles my ear, a primal lust filling his tone.

“Oh no, whatever shall I do?” I say sarcastically.

“House. Now” He growls, like his beast is ready to claim its prey.

I march inside, Seamus looking comfortable on his back side, not paying any mind to me or Alexander. Alexander is on me before I can get back to the kitchen. He guides me into the bedroom and shuts the door, locking it behind him, as if he’s expecting guests. He shrugs off his cut and starts to unbutton his shirt. “Do I need to remind you what happens when you run and hide from me?”

“Guess I forgot,” I shrug. I don’t hesitate this time, planting my hands on his shoulders to hoist myself up and wrap my legs around his middle. I press a hard kiss on his lips, telling myself that he’s fine and I’m fine, that perhaps nothing will happen to either of us. His hands tangle in my hair gripping my scalp, gaining control of the kiss. It doesn’t take many steps before he lowers us onto the bed. His hungry hands skim my shirt and reach under to palm my breasts, a small whimper escaping me.

Tags: Jamie Fritz Romance