Page 86 of My Best Chance

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There was a stack of framed photos leaning against the wall, and I looked through them. Each one was a black-and-white photo of Jake and Ryan working on various cars. There were even a couple of the front of the garage and a vintage car I’d never seen before.

I wondered if it was something Jake was working on in his spare time.

Ryan came out, wiping his hands on a clean cloth.

Looking up at him, I said, “These are amazing. You should hang them.”

He nodded. “They turned out great.”

I stepped back, trying to imagine how they’d look on the wall. “They’ll be perfect for this space. They’re classy in black and white.”

Ryan sniffed the air. “What is that smell?” His gaze darted around the room until it landed on the bakery box. “I thought I smelled something good.”

“I thought you could use something sweet.” I knew he was worried about Corey and their future.

He stepped close and dropped a soft kiss on my lips. “Thanks for thinking of me.”

“You’re welcome.” I opened the box, carefully slicing the pie in triangles and then placing two pieces on the paper plates I’d brought with me.

I handed him a plate and sat with mine on the black leather couch. I tried not to think about the last time we were here in this room, and what we’d done on the couch.

Ryan inhaled the pie, not coming up for air until there was nothing but crumbs on the plate. He stood to throw it out. “This was good. Thank you.”

“How did things go this morning?” I held my breath, waiting for him to respond.

I couldn’t eat another bite of pie, so I set my plate aside.

“The good news is that Avery handles custody cases. She said Maryland has jurisdiction since Corey lives here, and there’s no custody agreement filed in Texas.” His expression was still bleak.

“What did she say about Tiffany’s odds of getting custody?”

“It’s in Tiffany’s favor that she was the primary caregiver for most of his life. The judge might overlook her sending Corey to live with me for a few months.”

My hope waned. “So, the fact that he’s settled here won’t matter?”

“It might not.” He gathered the plates and forks and tossed them in the trash. “She said the judge will take into consideration the best interests of the child. My track record isn’t the best. I was a weekend dad for years.”

“Will the judge consider what Corey wants?”

“He might.”

My shoulders lowered. “I’m sorry. I wish there was something I could do.”

“Tiffany hasn’t filed anything in Texas or Maryland.”

“So…what? We have to wait for her to make a move?” Irritation slid down my spine.

“Right now, she’s only expressed interest in pursuing custody. She hasn’t done anything legal we can respond to.”

Where did that leave Ryan and Corey? In limbo? At Tiffany’s whim? “Did Avery suggest you make the first move?”

“She said to wait it out. That if I file something, it might prompt Tiffany to countersue for custody. Sometimes people bluster but don’t follow through.”

I grimaced. I’d stupidly hoped for more positive news. “So, it’s a waiting game?”

He nodded, his jaw tight. “That’s what it looks like.”

Where did that leave me and Ryan? I felt selfish for even thinking about my feelings or our relationship when he was going through something so earth-shattering.

Tags: Lea Coll Romance