Page 75 of My Best Chance

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Hailey rested a hand on my forearm in a comforting gesture, and said, “I’m sorry you’re going through this.”

“Me too.” My heart was still beating fast. It was like that call had released adrenaline in my body, and I wasn’t coming down yet.

“Hopefully, she’ll come around and realize he’s better off here.”

Hailey’s sentiment was nice, but I needed to be prepared for the worst-case scenario. “I scheduled an appointment with the attorney. I hope she can help. At least give me an idea of my rights and what to expect.”

“When do you meet with her?”

“First thing Monday morning.” I was grateful that Avery was able to squeeze me in so soon.

“It will be fine,” Hailey said.

I appreciated Hailey’s support, but I felt like I’d been shaken to my core. I had so many things I needed to do: Contact my parents, then his school on Monday morning so they knew he wasn’t to leave school with his mother.

Would she take him? Should I let him go on his visitation in a couple of weeks? I’d never felt so uncertain, not even when Corey was born. Because I was in it with Tiffany then. We’d never been adversarial.

I knew it wasn’t ideal for Corey, but I didn’t have a choice.

Corey walked out of Hailey’s office, his black book bag slung over one shoulder. His hair was falling over his eyes.

“Can I get a haircut? It’s getting in the way when I work out.”

His hair was something that bothered me, but I knew if I said anything, he’d keep it long to spite me.

“You want to go now?” I followed him to the door.

“Can we?” he asked over his shoulder.


Corey smiled at Hailey and gave her a little wave. “See you later.”

“Take care,” Hailey said.

“Thank you,” I said to her softly after Corey stepped outside onto the sidewalk.

That thank you encompassed everything: her support of Corey, our time together, and the concern emanating from her.

“Go. Everything will be all right.”

But I wasn’t so sure.

As I fell into step with Corey, dread filled my gut. This wasn’t how I wanted the night to go. I’d wanted to figure out a way to spend some time with Hailey. Maybe invite her to my house for dinner with me and Corey. I had visions of including her more in my life.

But that was before Tiffany upended my life. The garage had steadily increased sales, Corey was thriving, and I had this new thing going with Hailey. I didn’t know what the future would bring, but I hadn’t expected this.

Now, I was scared for me—and especially Corey.

I wasn’t sure whether I should talk to him about Tiffany or not. “You have your weekend visitation coming up with Mom.”

“Oh. I just assumed I’d stay here.”

“Why is that?”

“I’m busy. I have school and football.”

I knew he added school for my benefit. He wasn’t that crazy about it. “Don’t you want to see your mother?”

Tags: Lea Coll Romance