Page 64 of My Best Chance

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“Riiiight,” Brooke said, drawing out each letter sound. When neither of us offered more, she asked, “How’d it go with Nana?”

I breathed a sigh of relief that Brooke was back to being a concerned, supportive friend.

“She wants me to make a decision on the store. If I don’t want to continue to run it, she’ll close it by Christmas.”

Brooke chewed her lip. “But you can keep it if you want to?”

Hailey’s expression was uncertain. “Yeah.”

Brooke nodded. “What do you think?”

Hailey scrunched her nose. “I don’t want to make this decision.”

I knew she wanted to hold on to her grandparents’ store, but Nana was giving her an out. I thought she needed to take it, but I wouldn’t push her.

Music was playing over speakers, and there were whoops and hollers coming from the corn hole game. I settled my hand on Hailey’s lower back, the most I figured I could get away with tonight in front of mutual friends. “Let’s forget about that for tonight and have fun.”

Brooke’s eyes widened with what I hoped was respect.

Colton yelled, “Food’s ready,” and everyone moved from the lawn to the patio where a table was set up with burgers, hot dogs, chips, fruit salad, potato salad, brownies, and cookies.

I got in line after Hailey, loading my plate high. I was happy to eat food I didn’t need to make.

Hailey and I sat at one of the two picnic tables, digging into our food. Conversation carried on around us, but I was content to be with Hailey.

When there was a lull in the conversation, Max asked, “How’s business at the garage?”

He was one of the first shop owners to reach out to us when we opened, inviting us to participate in the town’s fundraiser a few months ago. “It’s steady.”

“Good. Whenever anyone asks for a recommendation, I refer them to you.”

“I appreciate that,” I said, knowing he’d dropped off his sports car for a tune-up not that long ago.

“That class you offered was helpful. Will you be offering more?” Sophie asked.

“I want to hold ahow to change your tireclass next.”

“That’s a great idea,” Sophie said.

“Are they free classes?” Easton asked.

“Yeah, the idea is to draw more people in, women specifically.” I drank my beer.

“Has it worked?” Easton asked.

The best thing about this group was that they were all business minded. From what Max said, they helped each other.

“We just offered the first one, so no new appointments yet. But the word must be getting around because a few women stopped in to check their tire pressure.” That wasn’t something that was common.

“I wonder if there’s anything else you could do to draw in women or make them more comfortable,” Hailey said.

“Is your waiting room inviting?” Brooke asked.

My mind wandered to the night Hailey was spread out on the leather couch. Bringing my attention back to Brooke, I said, “It has a couch and a refrigerator with sodas and waters.”

“What about the décor; what’s on the walls?” Sophie asked.

Hailey frowned. “I think they’re white. No pictures.”

Tags: Lea Coll Romance