Page 121 of My Best Chance

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When the case was called, the state’s attorney went through the charges, and there was no mention of the new break-in. There was a state’s attorney on one side, Avery and Corey on the other. I sat just behind them in the front row.

Then Avery called the character witnesses to the stand, leaving Hailey for last. Hailey was different because she was both a victim and a character witness for Corey. When she was called, she walked calmly to the stand, looking professional and beautiful in a black dress and heels.

Avery walked her through the incident, why she agreed to allow Corey to work off the damage in the apartment, and his progress. She’d said he was a hard worker and that he’d completed the work on the apartment.

Hailey spoke honestly, but you could hear the affection coming through her voice. She wanted the best for Corey, as did his coach and counselor. I hoped the judge saw all the people in his corner and gave him another chance.

Corey didn’t have to take the stand, but when the judge asked if he had anything to add, he stood and said, “Yes, sir. I want to say how sorry I am for the damage I caused. I’m willing to work and pay back those affected by my actions, whether that’s doing work like I am for Ms. Hailey or something else.”

“You still getting into trouble, young man?”

“No, sir. I’m staying on top of my homework, I work with either my dad or for Hailey, and I play football. I don’t have time for much else.”

The judge nodded. “That’s good to hear.

“I’m ready to render a judgment. Mr. Stockton will serve one hundred hours of community service, which will be completed at the stores he damaged. The hours he’s already put in at Ms. Stockton’s store will count toward the total. If you complete your hours and stay out of trouble, I’ll take this off your record.”

“Thank you, sir,” Corey said.

“I don’t want to see you in this courtroom again.”

“No offense, sir, but I don’t want to be here again.”

“Good. Good luck with school and your season.” The state’s attorney called the next case, and I walked out in a daze.

I looked for Hailey, but she’d already left. Had she heard the ruling? Or had she left after she testified?

I barely heard what Avery said. I thought I’d feel relief, but instead, I felt anxious to get to Hailey and erase this distance between us.

“Stay out of trouble,” Avery said to Corey.

Corey scoffed. “You don’t have to worry about that.”

“I can’t thank you enough,” I said to Avery.

“That’s what I’m here for. If things change, or if you have questions, feel free to contact me.” Avery said her good-byes, and then it was just me and Corey.

“I’ll take you to school.”

In my truck, I was quiet. I hoped the worst was behind us. Now, I needed to get my girl. Jake said I needed to convince her that I was here to stay. I just wasn’t sure how to do that. Words wouldn’t be enough.

“Where’s Hailey?” Corey finally asked.

“She was in court.”

“Why isn’t she with us?”

“I pushed her away. I wanted to give her space.”


I ran a hand through my hair. “Because I’m an idiot.”

“Are you going to talk to her?”

“I need to do something big so that she knows we’re here to stay.”

“You need to invite her to be part of our family. That’s what she wants.”

Tags: Lea Coll Romance