Page 117 of My Best Chance

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She wouldn’t be intruding. I’m sure she would be a calming presence for both of us, but I didn’t want to take up any more of her day.

Tiffany’s emergency motion was like a bomb in my life, but it didn’t have to affect Hailey’s.

“I’d better get going, then. Let me know how it goes.” Then she was gone, and the pressure on my chest increased. I wanted to call her back, to ask her to stay with me, with us, but it wasn’t right.

We’d have plenty of time to figure out what we were after these hearings were over. I didn’t have the bandwidth for it. Not with everything going on.



Isat on the bench, my elbows resting on my knees, staring at the floor while I waited for Corey to come out of the judge’s chambers. He was in there with Judge Miller and his law clerk, but none of the attorneys or parties were allowed in.

Avery said it was so he could have an honest conversation with Corey, and he wouldn’t be influenced by anyone around him, namely me or Tiffany. I got it. But I didn’t like it.

I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair.

“Relax,” Avery said.

I didn’t know how she could be so calm when my future,Corey’s future, hung in the balance.

A second later, the judge’s chamber door opened, and Corey walked out with a smile on his face.

Judge Miller stood in the doorway in a button-down shirt and slacks, looking more relaxed than when he wore his black robes. “It was nice meeting you, Corey. Good luck with your season.”

I held my breath for his response. I talked about him being respectful, but I didn’t want to put too much pressure on the interaction.

“Thank you, sir.”

I let out the breath.

“I’ll be on the bench in twenty,” Judge Miller said to the rest of us.

My heart sped up. Twenty minutes. That’s how long it would be until my life might change forever.

Avery leaned over to whisper, “He said ‘good luck with your season.’ I think you have a pretty good shot.”

“Unless he was just saying that to be nice.” I stood, needing to move after being stuck inside the courthouse all day.

Avery gave me an exasperated look. “I don’t think he’d do that.”

Across from us, Tiffany looked worried. She never expected me to fight for Corey. She just assumed I was content with whatever crumbs she was willing to throw my way. At least I could finally be proud of the man I was.

I’d taken control of my future. Even if I lost this round, I’d be there for Corey. No matter what it took.

“Where’s Hailey?” Avery asked.

“She had to work.” I had no idea what she was doing because I’d pushed her away. I’d told her I didn’t need her here, which was the furthest thing from reality. I knew it would be easier with her by my side, but I just couldn’t keep sucking her in when I wasn’t sure what any of this meant for her. No matter how much it hurt, I needed to protect her.

Jake came around the corner. “How are things going?”

Avery nodded at me, so I took him down the hall, away from Tiffany and her attorney. “He’s going to make a decision soon.”

“Want me to sit with Corey?”

“Yeah, I hadn’t even thought that far ahead.” I didn’t want him inside the courtroom for the ruling.

He wasn’t Hailey, but it was nice to have someone on my side.

Tags: Lea Coll Romance