Page 102 of My Best Chance

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“Corey’s manning the grill.”

“Is that a good idea?” I looked over my shoulder, but from here, I could barely see more than his head above the grill itself.

“He has to learn these things, and I want him to know I trust him. Don’t worry, I’ll check on him in a minute.”

“I’m not worried. You’re a great dad.” It was like he was making up for lost time, filling each day with knowledge and advice he wanted to share. He wanted to mold Corey into a good man. I was proud of him.

The sky was streaked with pink and purple. It was like one of those pictures we’d seen at the galleries, except it was our life. The only thing that made the moment more perfect was when Ryan kissed me.

When Ryan pulled away, he lifted his beer and tipped his head toward the wineglass I’d set down on the dock.

When I lifted my glass, he said, “To many more evenings like this.”

“To love and family.”

A smile curved slowly over his lips. “To love and family.”

I clinked my glass with his bottle, and we sipped our respective drinks. “I can’t think of a better day.”

“It was the best.”

We sat quietly for a few more minutes until Ryan stood reluctantly. “I better check on him if we don’t want burned fish.”

“Go.” I had no plans to move. It was the perfect spot to watch the sunset.

Visiting a place like this was a dream come true.

Being with Ryan and Corey did nothing to ease that ache inside. The one that wanted everything: love, family, children. My desire wasn’t going away. If anything, it was growing bigger with each day I spent with them.



The house on the river was the perfect escape. A weekend away from thinking about Tiffany and the custody situation. About Corey moving thousands of miles away to Texas when I was tied to the garage in Maryland.

Unfortunately, with each mile we drove closer to home, my anxiety increased. I was on edge, wondering what Tiffany’s next step would be. As much as we hoped she did nothing, I almost wanted to get it over with. File the custody papers and move on to the next step. This wondering was driving me crazy.

Corey seemed oblivious in the backseat with his earbuds in, but I know Hailey sensed my tension. I felt her worried gaze on the side of my face every so often. She kept her hand tucked in mine.

It was irrational, but I felt like if I didn’t let go, nothing could touch us.

But I knew I’d have to let go soon. This wasn’t her fight. It was mine. As supportive as she was, I didn’t want to drag her into it any more than she already was.

I dropped Hailey at her house first and helped her carry her bags to her door.

She smiled at me. “I had the best time.”

I brushed a hair out of her face. “Me too.”

I was just saying good-bye after our weekend, but it felt like more. Like I was saying good-bye to her. Regret twisted in my gut. “I’ll call you.”

Her smile faltered for a second. When she recovered, she went up on tiptoe to place a light kiss on my lips. I held on to her hips, not wanting to let go.

I’d run through the list of things I needed to do when I got back, and it taunted me. I needed to contact my parents about seeing Corey and check in with Avery to see if Tiffany filed anything with the courts. “I’d better get going.”

Hailey nodded and turned away to unlock her door. “Bye, Ryan.”

Then she closed the door, and my heart ached. I rubbed the offending spot as I jogged down her steps to my waiting truck. It felt like a good-bye.

Tags: Lea Coll Romance