Page 16 of Brews & Bartenders

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I sit up straighter to hide the jab he unintentionally threw at me. "Both of us. I have a child to care for. Between work and him, I don't have a ton of free time for dating."

He nods. I think he's agreeing with me, but he opens his mouth and makes his counter argument. "Except you clearly have a sitter of some sort. You're here every week. And I have a feeling your ex-husband flakes on his son...a lot."

Damn, he's not pulling his punches. "I do, but it's a regular thing."

"I see." With his free hand, he rubs the bottom of his jaw. I try not to let that distract me. But his jawline is to die for. Also, I never realized how sexy that feature can be. "What if I made a proposal?"

This isn't going the way I expected at all. Hell, I should already be gone. I'm sure the girls are wondering why I haven't shown up at the flower shop yet. I can't let him know how nervous he makes me, though. "Such as?"

"Clearly you don't want your ex to know that you lied about having a boyfriend." I open my mouth to argue, but he holds his hands up to stop me. "I also know you don't actually want a relationship."

"So, we're on the same page. If he comes into the bar when I'm here, we'll pret…"

"You know this town as well as I do. I mean look around us," he motions to the room. Every single employee is watching us, and when they notice my attention, they snap back to working. Shit. "If my co-workers are eavesdropping, and have been, you know deep down others were listening last night. The old ladies here love nothing more than gossip, and I know that for a fact. I help serve them during brunch."

"What are you suggesting?" I knew last night was going to bite me in the ass, and here we are.

"We continue to fake date." He leans toward me with one elbow on the table. He's less than a foot away from me, and despite my better sense, I want to close the distance. Calm down, Caroline. "It'll keep your ex from bothering you if he shows up, and you won't have to worry about anyone telling him it was a lie."

Hmmm, that can't be all. "What's in it for you? Don't get me wrong, it's sweet. But people aren't that nice without wanting something in return."

He points his thumb over his shoulder. "It'll keep these guys off my back, especially Eric. Between him, Angie and Stella, playing matchmaker it'll give me a break from listening to them talk about relationships."

I feel like he's not telling me something. But I get it. It'll also get my friends to leave me alone. He might have a point, even if there are ulterior motives. Little does he know, he won't make his way into my heart. Which I have no doubt is what he's angling for. After the hell I've been through with Nathan, it'll take more than being kind to wedge it open. My phone dings and I pull it out of my pocket.

Kate: Are you coming in today, or are you smooching the bartender?

Caroline: I'm on my way.

I do not have time for their shenanigans right now. "Look, I need to get to work. Do you have pen and paper?"

He pulls a pen out of his pocket and hands it to me. "Sorry, I don't have paper on me."

I glance at the book. It's too damaged to return to the library. The pages are crinkled from the beer. Turning to the back of the book, I find the list of other books by the author and rip off the bottom corner. I scribble my number and hold it out to him. "Here's my number. Call me and I'll let you know what I decide." I stand and turn toward the door. "But call either late morning or after ten." Confusion passes across his face, but I don't answer his unasked question. "Thanks for giving me back my book, and for last night."

Before he can say anything else, I hurry out the door. I don't know if I'm ready for the barrage of questions from my friends or deciding to accept his proposal. There's a shift in the air, and it's not just the weather.



I don't knowwhat's happening in our town. But from the moment we opened until now we have had a rash of customers. And it can't be because kids are in school because they've been in school for a couple of weeks. Unless, of course, now that everybody is in their groove, stay at home moms who are friends can get together and chat.

But now it's nine o'clock at night and I still haven't eaten since this morning. Thank God I brought my mom's food with me this morning so that I would have some kind of sustenance to hold me over. But now that it's getting close to time to call Caroline, my stomach is turning.

Her number is burning a hole in my pocket. I can't tell you how many times I've pulled out the piece of paper, wanting to call her. But knowing she's at work, and then a little later knowing she has her son with her.

She said late at night, but what constitutes late for me is like one or two in the morning. But that's because I work at a bar and I don't have normal hours like most people. For her, though, I don't know if that means nine o'clock, ten o'clock, or midnight. It's a crap shoot. If I call too late, what if she gets mad because she was asleep?

If I call it too early, her son may still be awake and I have a feeling this is something she wants to keep from him. Not that I blame her because he is her child. And who wants to bring some dude that they don't know around their kid? I'm barely trusting of my sister's friends and I'm not their parent. I can't imagine what it would be like if I was bringing a new person around a kid of my own.

This is where it may get tricky fake dating a single mom, but I'm up for the challenge. Especially since I intend to take that fake part out of it.

Even if she is hesitant to consider that aspect. I won't push her too hard, though. I want her to actually like me. "Eric, can you restock the tequila over here? We're running low."

"Sure thing, boss," he grins and heads to the office. One thing I love about this kid is he takes instruction and does what I need him to right then and there. There's no waiting. There's no getting distracted. He does his job, even if he goofs around while he's pouring drinks.

He comes back with a couple of bottles in his arms and is putting them on the shelves behind me. "So, have you called her yet?"

Tags: Katrina Marie Romance