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“Yes, darling,” I answered obediently. I supposed he would be a spoiled brat forever, and I was going to enjoy every damn minute of it.

We greeted several people as we walked through the crowd. A merman’s watery magic, like mine, kept them youthful forever. It was as if time had stood still from the last time I’d visited Atlantis. Some of the décor had changed—not much—no one had aged. Some, I noticed, were missing while new Atlanteans had taken their place. Protecting Atlantis wasn’t an easy task. We had many more enemies than just sirens and sea hags. As we made our way to the dining table, I saw King Cleotis, the King of Atlantis, present. This was something of a treat. He rarely stayed in the city, spending most of his time making treaties (as he had with the Mer Folk King Tearloch. That is, when he wasn’t busy fighting battles or breeding children. He enjoyed that part of his job. He certainly carried his fair share of keeping Atlantis strong with growth.

He sat at one end of the massive table and King Tearloch sat at the other—both places holding prestige. The treaty was as strong as when I’d left Atlantis. Good. Whether either King knew it or not, I was afraid it would take both armies to free Adan. I made my way toward King Cleotis, bowed to him out of respect, and introduced him to my mate. “Your Majesty, this is my betrothed, Prince Kailar.” I beamed with pride.

“Yes, I’ve heard all about him from his father. You and Keion both have a lot to answer for by the way you handled the situation with your mates…yet, we will discuss all that in further detail tomorrow.”

“Of course,” I answered, feeling embarrassed. “If you don’t mind, Keion and I will be sitting at the end of the table with King Tearloch. I’ve been away from my mate for far too long. I wish to cherish every moment. I hope that will be allowed with no insult?”

“Absolutely,” King Cleotis said. “However, Keion will remain with me. We still have to discuss how to retrieve his mate.” He reached for Keion. “Join me, Keion. I’ve missed one of my favorite lords.”

Keion beamed and sat next to our king. I knew the huge smile wasn’t from sitting with his king but because of the very fact that someone other than the three of us had finally mentioned trying to rescue Adan. I nodded in his direction and said, “I’ll see you later, brother. We have much to discuss.”

Once we’d all taken our places, King Cleotis started what he referred to as a twenty-two-course meal. Fuck, I’d never get my hands on Kailar’s delectable ass again. One moment seemed like hours to me. Course after course. Toast after toast. I was bored stiff. My mind was a blur of getting Kailar in my bed and figuring out how we were going to rescue Adan. Actually, it was such a blur that I was shocked when Kailar stood up to make a toast of his own…I thought. It was odd; it didn’t seem like his nature to drag out an evening that we all wanted to end. I looked up at him. His eyes were an even murkier green. He turned away from me and I felt something twist in the pit of my stomach. Even before he started to speak, I knew something was about to happen and it was going to be bad.

I just didn’t know how bad.

“Father. King Cleotis.” He held his glass of wine high above his head. “Thank you for preparing such a wonderful evening for us all.” His attention turned completely to his father. “Earlier today, Father, I told you that I would ask a favor of you.” He paused, refusing to even glance down at me. “You promised to not deny me…regardless of the request.”

King Tearloch looked at his son. His eyes turned golden. I didn’t know what Kailar was up to but I had a terrible feeling about it.

“Yes, my son. I made you this promise. Have you already chosen your favor?” He chuckled. Again, nervously. “I would have thought you might request a grand palace as a wedding gift.”

“Years ago you and King Cleotis entrusted the safety of Adan and me into the hands of Lord Alyx and Lord Keion. Clearly, they have failed at that endeavor. I nearly died because I was taken from the ocean, and my brother Adan is being held captive by the Sea Hag, Beathag. Because of this, I request that they both be imprisoned for no shorter than six months. I’d like them confined here, in Atlantis, where they can’t use their magic to escape.” He took a sip of his wine. “You gave me your word, Father.”

“Hold on for one damn minute!” King Cleotis stood up and at his end of the table. “This is my kingdom and I make the decisions here, young man. I care not what promise your father made you, Your Highness. Any kind of punishment for my lords will be up to me.

I could see King Cleotis was furious and seething, but then so was I. So was Keion.

Note for future—murky green eyes means my soulmate is about to betray me.

King Tearloch put down his cup with a little bang on the table. He looked at Kailar and asked, “Is this truly what you want? You would do this to your own mate?”

“He deserves it…as does his brother.”

Oh, I knew what he was trying to do. The little brat was trying to take me and Keion out of the war with Beathag. He was trying to protect us, but it would cost him his life. I jumped to my feet.

“King Tearloch, you must understand. Kailar is tricking you. I know what his plans are, and…”

Suddenly, I couldn’t speak. I whirled around to face my own king. I could see that Keion was holding onto his own throat, so he couldn’t speak either. Only the king’s magic could be strong enough to silence us. Fury swept over me. Helplessness, too. Beathag would destroy Kailar with one wave of her hand. Just when I’d found him, I was going to lose him again if these two kings didn’t get out my way and see through this ridiculous charade.

“I refuse to imprison two of my strongest and most loyal lords,” King Cleotis said vehemently. “Both your sons were insolent brats when they were put into their care years ago. I understand why they might have seen the need to send them to a safer place until they came of age.”

Oh, fuck. I could tell by his voice that my king was crumbling. He was saying all the right words to defend us but there was no conviction in his voice. Keion slammed his fist on the table, the sheer force causing it to splinter. Food collapsed atop the guest’s laps. He hadn’t even attempted to use his magic. The king glanced over at him coldly.

“One week. Not one day longer,” King Cleotis called out. “And I want to go on the record that this request, as childish as it is, is also putting our treaty in danger. To make such a demand inmypalace. Ridiculous!”

“My sons have been wronged!” King Tearloch yelled.

King Cleotis motioned for his guards to come and take both Keion and me. I couldn’t believe Kailar was foolish enough to do this. He would die without our help. I turned and resisted, and one of the guards cuffed me on my jaw. I heard Kailar make a little sound of reproach and regret. Good. Let him see what he’d done.

“Their own mother wronged them, Tearloch,” Cleotis countered. “And you wouldn’t take action against her. Be careful before I change my mind. I’ll imprison my lords for one week. After that, you and your sons are no longer welcome in Atlantis. I won’t go as far as to say we are enemies…but we are no longer allies.”

As they pulled me away, Kailar turned to look at me. His eyes were red. He was in pain.

I shook my head at him, silently appealing him to change his foolish mind and stop this. He turned away just as I saw a tear escape his right eye.

I would never see him again. And, just like being without the ocean had almost killed my beloved, I would surely die without him in my arms. I was desperate for him to look at me again, so I made another attempt at escape to spur the guards into taking some action.

Tags: T.S. McKinney Romance