Page 41 of Kismet

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“The look on your face suggests I should take more vitamins.”

Looking up, he opened his arms. “Babe, you opened a door that won’t be easily shut.”

She dropped into his lap. “I was planning on propping that sucker open with a crowbar.” Skating her hand over his shoulder, she bit her bottom lip. “You do not disappoint.”

“Good to hear.” Drawing her closer, he caressed her cheek with his thumb. “Your breath hitched.”

“Of course it did,” she whispered. “You’re touching me.”

Cupping the back of her neck, he brought their mouths together and kissed her slowly. The connection zipped along every nerve in his body.

“Kissing you feels like being swept up in a hurricane.”

He traced her mouth. “Is that a good thing?”

“If having your brain scrambled can be considered a positive development.”

“We’ve spent three years being rational, reasonable, and well-behaved, so letting eros take over for a while might be a good idea.”

“Are we talking, trembling excitement, elation, and an undeniable need to be naked together?”

“Yes, but it’s more than that.” He twisted a loose strand of her silky hair. “If we handle it correctly, I think we can use it as the jet fuel to get us to the next stage.”


“Does that make you uncomfortable?”

“A little.” She pressed her hand against his chest. “I’ve never successfully navigated relationship waters and don’t want…”

“To try again?” he asked, ignoring the frustration fighting for attention.

“No.” She shook her head. “I hate failing, and if I did that with you, it would be unbearable.”

“Failing only happens when you quit trying.”

“That’s a very SEAL thing to say.”

“Thank you.” He studied her face. “I’m gonna throw everything I have at this. Is there any chance that you want to do the same?”

Tancy nodded slowly. “Yes.”

“Good.” He kissed her head. “I’m not going to promise you a fairy tale, but know that I will fight for this thing every day and defend it against anything or anyone who intends harm.”

“I know, Teague. You are many things, but a flash in the pan isn’t one of them. You deserve a love that most people don’t believe in anymore. I’m not sure if I can be the one to give it to you but know that I will try.”

“I can’t ask for more than that.” He hugged her tightly against his chest. “I never expected to fall so fast in slow motion.”

Laughing, she kissed his neck. “Me either.”

Searing the moment into his memory, he hoped it was the first of many.


Blissfully content. Deeply satisfied. And more optimistic than she’d ever been.

Who was this new person?

Tancy caught a reflection of herself on her computer monitor and hardly recognized the face looking back. Was the high color in her cheeks and smile permanent?

Tags: Lea Hart Romance