Page 42 of The Chaos You Crave

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West led us down the hallway to Bronx's bedroom. It was neat and tidy. Much nicer than I was expecting. I figured a sixteen-year-old boy would have a room with clothes and pizza boxes strewn about, but everything seemed to have its place.

His queen-sized bed was made with a navy comforter and matching pillows. He had a gaming desk with his computer setup–three monitors–keyboard, mouse, and headset.

"I'm next door if you need anything. Everything's locked up and we have a security system. And you know I'm always packing heat," West winked. "The TV remote is on the nightstand if you want to watch anything. He has Netflix set up."

"Okay, thanks. Hey, West?" He was already headed for the door but stopped and turned to me.

I rushed to him and hugged him tightly around his waist. "Thank you. For everything tonight. I know you didn't do that for Remington. It means a lot to me."

He faltered slightly and hugged me back. We held each other for what seemed like forever.

"And…I'm sorry about pissing you off this week. Bronx came to us wanting advice. I didn't mean to upset you," I said as I pulled away to look into his gorgeous brown eyes.

"I wasn't pissed at you, princess. I was pissed at the situation. It's hard to explain how I feel about all this," he said quietly, still holding me.

"You didn't sit with us at lunch on Friday. And you bailed on art."

"Okay, I was a little mad, but I shouldn't have been. None of this is your fault and Bronx sort of put you in the middle of it. I'm not mad at you. I couldn't be mad at you after eating that sweet pussy of yours.”

It amazed me what West could do using his words. I was a weak bitch when it came to him.

A blush crept up my neck and warmth bloomed in my abdomen. "So anytime you get mad at me–and it will happen again–I just have to lay myself out and let you feast on me until you're in a better mood? Sounds like a win-win to me."

"You're something else, you know that?"

"Do you think you could lay with me until I fall asleep?" I tried to suppress a yawn, but exhaustion was taking hold of me. I didn't want to admit that I was still scared to go to sleep, but I was. The message and seeing Remington had done a number on my nerves. I just wanted to feel safe for a while.

West didn't respond. Instead, he pulled me out of Bronx's room and into his own down the hall, which looked like a mirror image of his brother's, except instead of a computer gaming setup, he had different kinds of guitars, all standing up on display. He always loved music, playing anything and everything for us. He was talented with his hands, which was intimately verified tonight.

West took off his shirt and jeans, leaving him in black boxer briefs and I couldn't help but stare at him. All of him. He looked huge, bigger than I remembered. The outline of his hard cock made my mouth water.

He chuckled and whipped the dark gray blankets back before climbing into bed. He was way too big for it–his big body took up over half of the thing. His hungry eyes consumed me, taunting as if to sayI’m here and I’m fucking hot, what are you going to do about it?

Two can play that game.

I slowly unzipped the hoodie and lowered it off my body. I stripped off my cropped tee, skirt, bra, and boots, standing in front of him stark-ass naked.

West laid back with his hands propped under his head, his dick straining in his tight boxers.

“Enjoying the show?”

“What do you think?” He looked down at his dick.

I laughed and tossed on my oversized sleep shirt and shimmied on a pair of cotton panties–not before turning around so he could see my ass, of course.

“Not such a shy little thing now, are ya?”

“What’s there to be shy about? Your face was in my pussy two hours ago.” I rolled my eyes and hopped into bed next to him.

West pulled up the blankets and tucked me in before clicking off the lamp on the nightstand. Darkness encased us and his warmth crept closer and closer, until his arms were around me, pulling me into his hard body.

I relaxed for the first time in what felt like forever and drifted off into a perfectly dreamless sleep.

Thesoundofpotsbanging woke me the next morning. I stretched, noting the warm, empty spot beside me in the heavenly bed.

A real bed.

I slept through the night, something I hadn't been able to do in months. It threw me off a little knowing I’d spent hours tangled up in West. Who knew he was a cuddler?

Tags: Danielle Renee Erotic