Page 35 of The Chaos You Crave

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"Ash?" Bronx asked, squeezing my hand to get my attention. "What do you think I should do?"

I bit the inside of my cheek as I locked eyes with Bronx's watery blues. Damn, I didn't want to shatter his hope and his heart, and I didn't want to piss off West, but I had to be honest.

"You know the situation with my dad. He wasn't around a lot when I was younger and then with the divorce, I barely saw him at all. When I would go see him over in Castle Grove, he would blow me off or send me home like I was a lost puppy looking for my owner. Anyway," I took a deep breath. "I’ve barely spoken to him in the last two years. But you know what, I would do anything for a relationship with him. Even now. He's my dad and I love him. Only you know how you feel about your mom, B. You wanted an honest opinion, and I'm going to tell you to do what you want, not what West wants."

He smiled as tears welled up in his eyes again. He lunged over the table and hugged me tightly. "Thanks Ash. I do want to do it. I'm just a little nervous telling West.”

"West already knows what you're going to do, Bronx. That's why he's so angry."

My phone buzzed on the table, jolting us out of our conversation.

Unknown: Have you talked to Gabby yet?

Cade–I assumed it was him. No one else cared if I talked to Gabby. West or Bronx must’ve given him my number.

Me: Not yet. We just got here.

Cade: Don’t forget about me :D Thank you baby girl! I need all the help I can get.

The biggest fuckboy at GPHS wanted my best friend–wantedmeto help him get her–and he was acting real desperate to do it.

“I’m gonna level with you here, Gabby. Cade wanted me to talk to you about going out with him.”

Her eyes bugged out of her head. “Hmm.”

“Cade asked you for help getting a girl?” Bronx laughed before sipping his dragon drink.

“Yes, so I’m doing my part as your best friend and letting you know.”

Gabby smiled slightly and then shook her head, almost as if reminding herself that Cade was a notorious fuckboy and would inevitably break her heart at some point.

As a recovering fuckboy addict, I had to admit that some were worth the risk.




"Yes, I'm actually doing it. And you should too," Bronx said while inhaling a bowl of cereal. He'd been acting distant since learning that Mom was coming to see us in a few weeks. Then he came home from his little coffee date with Ashtyn and Gabby and told me he was going to meet her.

I wasn't an idiot. He told the girls everything and they egged him on, encouraging him to form a relationship with our Houdini mother. It was a typical Ashtyn move. Always the do-gooder. Taking one for the team, getting walked all over like a doormat, and then asking for more. It was pathetic and her weakness, just like my brother. Both of them would grovel at the feet of their neglectful parents for a scrap of attention.

"Dad will be so proud of you," I said, the sarcasm dripping from my mouth.

He continued to shovel cereal as I ran to my room to change out of the jeans and t-shirt I was wearing. I couldn't go to school like this. I needed to hit something. I changed into a pair of athletic shorts and a t-shirt with the sleeves cut off and went back to the kitchen.

"What are you doing? School starts in twenty minutes.”

"Not going," I replied as I grabbed a protein bar from the cupboard, ripped open the package, and took a violent bite. "Going to Brass Knuckles for the day."

I laced up my tennis shoes and was out the door. I needed some time at the gym. I'd been neglecting it since school started and homework took up more time than expected. I needed the release. The adrenaline. I needed something safe to hit so it wouldn't end up being the wall or my brother.

He always had a soft spot for Mom, just like Dad did. Even after all these years, they still missed her. Still made excuses for her. Still hoped she would come back to us. I'd lost that hope a long time ago.

Not wanting to think about it anymore, I threw my Challenger in reverse and tore out of the driveway.


Tags: Danielle Renee Erotic