Page 4 of Ménage à Music

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“For when we have some ankle biters to fill that town house you just made me splash out on,” he said, pulling her into a hug.

“Mmm, I think we should practice the first part of the process for a bit longer,” Nina giggled. “Make sure we’ve perfected it.”

“Suits me just fine,” Ian said, grabbing his leather jacket from the sofa and throwing an arm around her shoulders. “See you all soon, have a good one.”

“I had all the presents delivered,” I called after their retreating backs. “To Dee’s house.”

“Thanks, Sylvia,” Nina shouted over her shoulder. “You’re a star.”

The green room suddenly went quiet. With the end of the show the TV had gone off and it was just me, Tim and Dean looking at one another.

“So,” said Tim, studying me with a decidedly predatory curl to his lip. “You wanna share our ride?”

“It’s okay, I’ll grab a cab.”

“No you won’t, not on Christmas Eve, it’ll be mad out there. Come on, share the car,” Dean said. “You know it makes sense.”

I looked into his eyes: his eyelids were heavy, his mop of dark hair hung low. Something told me this was more than an offer of a lift and I couldn’t resist finding out exactly what. “Okay.” I nodded and reached for my bag and coat. “A ride would be great.”

The band’s sleek black chauffeur-driven car waited a hundred yards from the side entrance to the studio. We scurried through the biting cold and jumped in the back. I sat in the middle, the leather soft on my legs and the warmth of the heater welcome around my ankles. We pulled into the heavy traffic where the amber glow of streetlamps and the bright white of headlights mixed with the red and gold of illuminated street decorations.

“You cold?” Dean asked, taking my hand in his big, warm one.

“Mmm, a little.”

He squashed my hand between his palms and began to rub. There were calluses on his fingers from where he held his guitar. “We’ll soon warm you up.”

“Take us to the apartment,” Tim said, leaning forward to the driver.

“But…?” I said.

Tim turned to me and shoved a hand through his hair, longer and messier than Dean’s. “For a nightcap, Sylvia.” He took my other hand in his.

I felt a tingle run up my arm, a delicious wave of excitement at his gentle touch and the soft look in his eyes.

“Go on,” Dean murmured. “You know you want to.”

I swallowed as a well of sensation slid up my arms, across my shoulders and settled in my chest. The two big men, surrounding me, touching me, knew exactly what I wanted. Was I that easy to read? “Okay,” I said. “Just for a nightcap.”

As we stepped out of the car into the darkness, several fat flakes of snow landed on my cheeks. I looked up into the night sky and saw the Christmas lights of the houses opposite reflected in the glass and steel of their tall apartment building.

Dean wrapped an arm about my waist. “Hurry,” he said, his breath clouding around his face. “It’s bloody freezing out here.”

I stepped forward on my heels, glad of the support Dean provided on the icy pavement.

In silence we rode the elevator and went into Ian’s apartment. He and Nina lived in a much bigger house now, and for a while Jenny and Robbie had lived here. But now it was just a crash pad for anyone who was in town, though lately the brothers had been using it as a base while their own plush pad was being refurbished.

I toed off my high heels in the hallway and walked in my stockinged feet into the living room. An enormous Norwegian fir tree I’d had sent from Harrods the week before, stood, majestic against the floor-to-ceiling windows, covered in silver and black decorations and small twinkling lights. On the top sat a sparkling star heavy with Swarovski crystals.

“Are you warmer now?” Dean asked, coming to stand behind me. Real close, so I could feel his breath washing down my neck.

“Yes, much better, thanks.” I gestured to the tree. “Do you like it? It was the most expensive one they had but I thought you guys would appreciate the black and silver theme.”

“Mmm, I love it,” Dean said, his mouth hovering close to my ear. “But mainly ’cause you chose it.”

“Ahh, you’re too smooth,” Tim said on a laugh, stepping past us. “Come on, let’s get that nightcap.”

“Go ahead without me. I’ll be there in a few minutes.” Dean moved away and I missed his body heat instantly. “I just gotta make a phone call.”

Tags: Lily Harlem Romance