Page 19 of Shatter

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I sigh. This whole night has turned into one big mess.

“I know I should butt out. But just like Mads, we’re good at reading people. Call it a twin gift, I don’t fucking know, but Tyler’s good people. I shouldn’t be surprised since he loves you, and you’re awesome.”

My heart throbs at the words-he loves you.What has he told Mason? Are they best friends now or something? It’s not like Tyler to be so open.

I know Mason is easy to talk to, but I don’t know. It’s weird.

Shit, everything is such a mess.

“Thanks, Mase. I appreciate it. Madison and you are good people, too.”

“Damn straight we are.” Mason grins. “Now, let’s get you and the girls home. It’s late enough.”

I snicker.

Madison’s gonna love hearing that.

Sure enough, she’s not ready to go, and she’s not hearing what Mason has to say, either.

I end up catching a ride home with Mason and a few others who jumped in for a ride back to the dorms. It’s as if a dark cloud hangs over my head.

Should I see him before he leaves? Or should I just keep things how they are?

I’m not sure what to do, but what I do know is climbing into bed is the best part of the night. Pulling the covers over my head, I try to get comfortable, but I toss and turn.

And when I close my eyes, all I see is him.

Tyler Reed.

The only boy my stupid heart wants.



I turn back and take one last look at my girl. Her friends surround her, probably asking a million questions.

He’s a jerk. Don’t worry about him. Forget him. You don’t need him.They probably all say.

Look back at me, Goody.


Just once.

Look back at me.

But she doesn’t.

I ignore my dumb heart screaming at me to go back. It’s stupid and doesn’t know what a fucking mess it’s made of my life.

The hurt rushes through me like a tidal wave of anger.

I had felt better this past month. Hanging with Mason, getting my mind off shit. But seeing her at the party jolted me right back to when I first saw her.

Fuck. All that progress for nothing.

Hell, who am I kidding? What progress? Just because the thoughts hurt less doesn’t mean they weren’t there.

Tags: Lyssa Cole Romance