Page 77 of Wilting Violets

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Her words followed me all the way back to Providence.


Being backat school felt different. I felt different.

Older. More … worldly. And before Elden claimed me, I had literally traveled around the world. Maybe not as much as people who backpacked around Europe or whatever, but enough.

I’d been so anxious, so desperate to experience the world, be changed by it, that I’d left the country as soon as I could, thinking that I’d become something different, better, less ordinary.

Really, all I needed was to be claimed by a biker.

Sariah picked me up from the airport, holding a sign and everything.

It was written in lipstick on an old textbook, but it was still very charming.

Even though I really hadn’t wanted to leave Elden, the life in Garnett, my baby brother and parents, I had missed my loud, stylish, dramatic best friend.

“You know this car has a reversing camera,” I informed her, referring to the ridiculously large screen as we left the airport parking lot.

She shifted her gaze from behind her, changing gears before leveling her gaze on me. “Violet, I willnevertrust a machine. Not counting my vibrator,” she deadpanned. “If and when computers take over the world, you think it’s gonna be some big show?” She shook her head. “Nah, they’ll start slow. Lull everyone into a false sense of security by thinking they don’t have to look behind them when they reverse. Then BAM! One day people start getting run over left, right and center. Accidents, pandemonium.”

I smiled at her, happy to be back with my insane best friend whom I’d missed endlessly but was nervous as all hell to tell about what happened with Elden.

I had to tell her what happened with Elden, though. Colby knew something was going on, but he did not know the specifics. Macy also knew something was going on, but nodding and a single syllable spoken did not count as talking about it.

Not in the way I would’ve with Sariah. There was something sacred about sharing that you were falling in love with your best friend. It made it into something solid, real. Something that you believed was permanent. Because you didn’t make those proclamations to best friends if you weren’t sure, certainly not with best friends like Sariah. Because if something bad happened, if he did something unforgivable, not only would Sariah hunt him down, but she wouldn’t let me go running back to someone I didn’t deserve.

Even though I did deserve Elden.

He was everything I wanted. Too bad proclaiming that publicly quite possibly meant my stepfather killing him and causing major drama within the club.

So, yeah, I needed to talk to my girlfriend.

The one who had made lists of different poisons we could’ve slipped into his drink that didn’t show up on classic toxicology reports.

I was pretty sure she was joking and only had that knowledge because she was obsessed with true crime podcasts.

“Those are my enemies,” she gestured toward the car that had just slammed on its brakes for no obvious reason.

“You have a long list of enemies,” I chuckled.

“I do,” she agreed. “Because the list of fucking annoying people in this world is long.”

“I fucked Elden in his room down the hall from everyone having Christmas dinner, including my parents and Bennett,” I blurted.

There wasn’t even a single moment of silence before Sariah slammed on her brakes in the middle of traffic.

Horns sounded all around us, but she didn’t pay any attention.

“What the actualfuck?” she demanded, staring at me.

“Ri, we are currently stationary in the middle of busy traffic,” I pointed out the obvious, wishing I could hide from all of the angry drivers behind us.

She leaned her head out the window. “Go around, fuckers! I just found out my girl fucked the older, outlaw biker she’s beenobsessedwith for months! Years, actually!” she yelled.

I swallowed a smile even though I was vaguely worried that someone was about to rear end us or a cop would drive past. And that would get both of us arrested because no way would Sariah go quietly.

The last time I’d been arrested, I’d gotten off thanks to the club’s lawyers and the new investigation into the boy who hurt Sariah, who incidentally, was no longer in the picture. He had ‘committed suicide,’ and the officer who Originally took our statements had gone missing entirely. I knew that was Elden’s doing. We didn’t speak of it, though. Nor had Sariah and I.

Tags: Anne Malcom Romance