Page 164 of Wilting Violets

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The world swayed again, and again, Elden’s arms went around me. I didn’t look at him, and I ignored the lance of pain at the base of my spine.

“What about the police?” I demanded.

Colby scoffed, his hands fisted in front of him. “Can’t declare someone missing unless it’s been twenty-four hours, fuckin’ piece of shit sheriff’s orders. Even though the fucker isn’t even there.” He slammed his fists down on the table.

I jumped at the violence.

“Local uniforms are loyal to us,” Jagger spoke up, looking at me. “There’s no love lost between them and the new sheriff.” His mouth tightened. “They’re doin’ everything they can, but we’ve probably got more resources and manpower at this point.

I nodded, trying to fight against the panic constricting my throat.

“We’re going to find her,” Elden told me, moving me to face him, clutching my upper arms.

I looked into his eyes, the ones I trusted without question. But even my strong, brave, badass husband could not make promises like that.

But I just nodded again because there was nothing else to do. These men would do everything in their power to find her. I knew that. And Sariah would fight like a banshee. I knew that.

I also knew that even that might not be enough.

Elden’s gaze scrambled around my face. “Baby, you sure you’re okay? You’re pale as fuck.”

My spine burned. “Yes, considering what I just found out, I’m pale,” I snapped back.

He scrutinized me for a moment longer, brows pinched, but he finally nodded.

“Swiss and your mom are on the way,” Hansen announced, putting his phone down. “Got our best hacker on this, got all hands on deck here … we’ll get her.”

I clamped my teeth together against the pain, hoping that Elden would think I was just concerned.

“I think I need to … use the bathroom,” I said, not entirely lying considering the pressure I felt in that general area.

Elden’s eyes flared once more. “I’ll come with you.”

I tilted my head at him. “Thanks for the offer, but I think I can remember how to use the bathroom on my own.” Although, if this baby stayed in much longer, I would be needing help getting up off the seat.

His brows stayed knitted, and the pressure on my arms remained for a few moments before he let me go.

I sagged in relief as he laid a firm closed mouth kiss on my lips and let me walk to the bathroom.

Except I didn’t go to the bathrooms directly off the common room, though they were more convenient, and the walk down the hall almost killed me. I went to the bathroom in Elden’s room at the club—the bathroom that had various skincare and makeup products neatly lined up on the counter—and sat on the toilet where I let out a stifled moan as a contraction speared my womb in half.

Or at least that’s what it felt like.

It took everything I had to get up, touch up the mascara that had smudged over my face from the tears I’d let out and make myself somewhat presentable.

Elden was right... I did look a lot paler than normal, my eyes strained with discomfort.

I laid my hands on my considerable bump. “Not yet, baby girl,” I whispered. “We have to get your aunt Sariah first.”

As if she could hear me, my daughter stopped trying to claw her way out of my womb. For the moment, at least.

Long enough for me to walk into the bedroom and prepare myself to face Elden and his eagle eyes.

“Get it together,” I whispered to myself. Sariah was going through God knew what right then. I could handle getting through a couple of contractions.

Just then, something wet trailed down my legs. It didn’t come in a huge surge like in the movies, but it was enough to make it very clear that I was in labor.

“Fuck,” I muttered, searching for a towel to hide the evidence with.

Tags: Anne Malcom Romance