Page 16 of Wilting Violets

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All thoughts of the gown, the cold stirrups went up in smoke.

I didn’t have time to breathe, to recover, because he did exactly what he promised. He tasted my pussy.

He didn’t just taste it, he devoured it. I fisted the sheets of his bed because otherwise, I feared I might float right off. Elden worked relentlessly, mouth moving expertly, finding parts of me that no man had ever been able to locate.

And he was right, I thoroughly broke apart when his tongue worked me to an exquisite climax, hands still gripping my thighs tightly.

By the time I regained my sight without seeing stars, I realized that Elden was no longer kneeling before me. He was standing, staring at me with wild eyes, in utter worship. The mere look itself almost sent me over the edge again. It was a physical thing, the weight of his gaze caressing me while pulling back all of my layers and settling into my soul at the same time.

“You sure you’re ready for me to fuck you?” he asked in a rough voice. “’Cause as much as I want my cock inside you, I’m gonna carry this image of you naked on my bed, your sweet pussy on my tongue to the fuckin’ grave. That is all I need, Violet. We don’t need to do more. I don’t need more from you. This can be it. But you have to tell me right now. ’Cause I’m not gonna do something you’re not ready for. And I’m not gonna be able to control myself once I’m inside”

I blinked rapidly, digesting the words that were doing strange things to me. “Elden,” I rasped. “I don’t want you to control yourself. I want you. I’m ready. And if you don’t fuck me right now, I think I might go insane.” That was not a hyperbole. It felt like I was dancing with sanity, that Elden was the one holding onto it all.

His eyes flared, then he immediately started working on his belt.

A rap at the door made him freeze.

Both of our heads turned in that direction.

“Brother,” Swiss’s voice filtered through the door. “Got a situation. We’re out in five.”

My eyes zeroed in on the doorknob, my blood instantly cold, thinking about what would’ve happen if my stepfather had decided to walk into the room and saw me naked in Elden’s bed.

He would’ve killed him.

Elden was standing stock still.

“Yep,” he grunted, voice tight.

The doorknob didn’t rattle.

“You got company?” Swiss teased through the door.

“Fuck off,” Elden ground out. “I’ll be out in three.”

Swiss chuckled. “Whatever, bro. If you’re that quick, I feel bad for the poor bitch.”

My spine was frozen solid, and it seemed as if every molecule of oxygen in the room had been sucked out.

Elden hadn’t moved, and he didn’t reply to Swiss now, he just stared at the door, body slightly in front of mine as if to protect me if Swiss walked in. But it wasn’t me who would need to be protected if he walked in.

A bitter taste filled my mouth.

There was a long pause followed by another chuckle before the sound of motorcycle boots thumped against the floor.

Neither of us moved for a while, we were still frozen in the moment.

I wished Elden had stayed frozen forever when his head finally moved, and his eyes landed on mine. They were no longer full of hunger, worship, ownership. His face was devoid of emotion.

His boots thumped on the carpet as he retrieved my dress and panties, tossing them on the bed beside me.

“Get dressed,” he barked.

I winced at his tone, my body still sensitive from his touch that now felt like something I’d imagined.

He didn’t look at me as he took a gun out of his bedside table, slipping it into his cut. I didn’t even react to seeing that, despite it being the first time I’d seen a weapon up close in my life.

“Lock the door behind me,” he said to the carpet. “Drive back to your mother’s place.” Finally, he looked at me. A thousand tiny daggers pierced my skin. “Don’t come back here.”

Tags: Anne Malcom Romance