Page 139 of Wilting Violets

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We might have continued this for much longer had Swiss not interrupted.

“We’ve got cops,” he announced, looking at the security screens showing all the entrances to the club.

Both Lucas and Colby quickly lost their amused expressions and their beers.

“We got anything in here we need to worry about?” Elden asked.

They both shook their heads.

“I’ll call Hansen, tell him to steer clear and give our friendly neighborhood lawyer a call,” Lucas said, phone to his ear.

Elden nodded. “Good. We need Violet outta here.” His voice was calm, purposeful, empty. As was his expression. But he held me tight enough to hurt.

Swiss’s jaw clicked. “Don’t have time. They don’t have shit on us. Won’t find shit. We’ll be good.” My stepfather looked at me. “Stay close to Elden.”

Elden’s arm tightened around me, then he kissed my temple. “It’s going to be okay,” he promised.

Just then, the door crashed open. Actually crashed open. I jumped, and Elden moved me behind him.

None of the men looked worried, so I did my best not to be, even though my heart was thundering all the way up in my throat, and I was seriously thinking I was going to vomit all over my shoes.

“You know, you could’ve knocked,” Swiss pointed out casually. “But at least now we’ll get to bill you for a brand-new door.”

The sheriff, along with a bunch of other uniforms, walked in, guns drawn. Though the sheriff was the only one who looked like he really wanted to be there.

His handsome face was pinched with distaste. “On the floor, all of you. Now.”

“You mind telling us what this unlawful entry is about?” Swiss asked again, tone still casual, though his posture was rigid, like Elden’s. “You don’t have to tell us, but it sure does help us with the billable hours. Our lawyer is expensive as fuck but worth it. She’ll have us owning the station by the time she’s done with you.” There was an edge to his tone now.

The sheriff directed a cold stare in his direction. “We have a warrant,” he informed Swiss. “Now on the ground.”

“Happy to comply with an officer of the law,” Colby said with a massive ‘fuck you’ grin.

Elden kissed me on the temple again, eyes blazing with fury as he complied with the sheriff’s order.

Hatred and fury seethed through my veins seeing Elden, Swiss and my friends lying on the floor, the sheriff smiling in satisfaction at them doing that.

His eyes found mine. “You too,” he pointed to the ground.

“Excuse me?” I asked, venom in my tone.

His hand went to the gun on his hip, resting it there. “I said everyone on the floor, which includes you, young lady.”

I scowled at him. “Bite me.”

His scowl intensified. “Officers, assist this young woman to her rightful position,” he nodded to the ground, speaking to the two uniformed officers beside him.

The men in question did not move right away, both of them looking uncertain. They did not look happy to be here in general. They were likely residents of the town who had been here longer than the sheriff, likely did not have the same career aspirations and were likely—rightfully—attached to their arms. Which would probably get ripped off if they tried to force me to the ground.

“She’s five months fuckin’ pregnant,” Elden hissed, standing quickly so that he was in front of me.

“She’s going to get on the ground if she doesn’t want to get arrested,” the sheriff repeated in a clipped tone.

When Elden stepped forward, I grasped onto the back of his cut in an effort to stop him from attacking an officer of the law who was armed and looking for a reason to lock him up or hurt him.

“You make mypregnant womanget on the fuckin’ floor, I’ll end you,” Elden promised, his tone low.

“Careful, brother,” Swiss warned from his place on the floor.

Tags: Anne Malcom Romance