Page 87 of Deadly Match

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His hand anchors me, cupping my throat. “Hold on, baby, and be quiet. We don’t want to get kicked out before I make this pretty pussy weep for me.” He groans as he slams into me, filling me with every inch of his hard cock.

He keeps my head up and my eyes on his in the mirror as he takes me fast and hard. His other hand slides down my torso to play with my clit until I’m gasping and crying out. He releases my neck and covers my mouth, smearing my lipstick, but I don’t care. I scream into his hand as he muffles the sounds for me, his lips twisted in a snarl as he hammers into me from behind.

His cock slides across those nerves inside that have me coming within seconds. I scream my release into his hand, and he groans as he fights through my clamping pussy before stilling and filling me with his release.

Gray holds me up when I would have fallen, and we both let our breathing slow before he pulls from my body. He cups my cunt. “Mine,” he growls, and then he tugs my dress back down and smacks my ass. “Clean your face, baby.”

Huffing, I fix my lipstick and fluff my hair, but I still look freshly fucked and nothing can fix that. Smirking, he goes to slip away, but I grab his hand and stop him. “Meet Cara,” I request.

He watches me carefully before nodding.

Grinning, I push up on my tiptoes and kiss him. “Thank you for letting me show you off.”

And so, Gray suffers through girls’ night. Cara is noticeably scared of Gray at first, but after watching him kiss me softly and fix my dress for me, she falls in love with him too, and surprisingly enough, Gray likes her, even going so far as to talk to her while we both get sloppy drunk.

He holds our bags and watches us dance and drink, and I’ve never felt safer and more loved in my entire life.

“Alright, I think it’s time I got you both home.” Gray huffs and, ignoring my protests, throws me over his shoulder before clutching Cara’s arm. He steers us from the bar as she tries to escape his clutches and dance.

“When did I become a babysitter to drunk college girls?” he mutters, making us both laugh as he guides us from the bar.

* * *

Gray has to help me carry Cara up the back stairs and to bed, and once we are back in the car, he groans and covers his eyes. “Fucking hell, you’re going to kill me, little doe. If she had thrown up on me—” He shivers in horror as I laugh, remembering the way we had to stop at least four times on the way home so Cara could upchuck.

She always was a lightweight.

“Oh, you think it’s funny?” he warns, dropping his hand.

“I do.” I grin and kiss him hard, and when I pull back, he blinks.

“What was that for?”

“To say thank you for coming for me, looking after us, and helping my best friend when you didn’t have to.” His face softens as he cups my cheek, and I lean into it. “I appreciate it. Now let’s go home, shall we?”

“Home.” He nods and kisses me before holding my hand as we drive back to his place.

I must fall asleep on the drive, because the next thing I know, I’m being settled on an insanely comfy bed. Opening my eyes, I roll onto my back on what feels like satin sheets, and when I look down, I see they are shades of gray.

Of course they are.

The bed is massive, and I realize this is the first time I’ve been in his master bedroom. Sitting up, I find him undressing before a huge walk-in closet, which is nearly empty.

There’s a fireplace to the right, unused with an empty mantel. Apart from that, there are two nightstands with lamps on low, a gray rug that looks hella comfy, and a huge TV, but within seconds, my gaze locks on something else.

Pictures everywhere, on every wall and every surface, of me.

Sliding from the bed, I pad on silent feet to the closest wall. I cover my mouth, and my eyes fill with tears at the collection. He said that Hale had taken pictures of me through the years, but this… I never expected this. I’m alone in most of them, but some have Layla or Cara in them, and they range from when I was really young to a few weeks ago.

His whole room is a shrine to me.

His obsession.

His love.

Turning, I find him watching me carefully, expecting reproach, anger, and disgust.

When I wander toward him, he tenses, but I pull his stiff arms apart and melt into him, meeting his gray eyes. “This should terrify me, but I feel… safe, as if you were protecting me my whole life, and I never knew. I love you, Gray. Nothing will change that.”

Tags: K.A. Knight Dark