Page 82 of Deadly Match

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“For the sake of honesty and transparency, I admit that I had Hale track you down. It’s true I knew where you were and how you were doing. I made Hale send me pictures of you just so I could see what an extraordinary woman you were becoming. But nothing… Nothing could have ever measured up to seeing you in the flesh. I already loved you when you were just a rug rat following me around back at the home, but I fellinlove with you that afternoon when I went to Alaric’s party. I’m sorry I kept the past from you, but know this, little doe. You are my present and my future. Nothing and no one will ever change that.”

I wrap my arms around his shoulders, tightening my hold on him as our tears fall.

“We’ll get them, my wolf. We’ll get every last one of them. I promise you.”

Just as he lets out a sigh of relief, the blurry image of the woman with the diamond bracelet seeps into the forefront of my mind, as does the last eerie thing she said to me.

You can’t win them all,she said.

Just watch me.



Leaning down, I kiss him softly. “Ever had makeup sex?” I tease, making him laugh. It’s a bitter, desperate sound, but it soothes my soul.

“No, but I’m more than willing to pop that first.” He grins, kissing me back.

He positions himself between my legs, stopping to kiss my belly, my breasts, and then my lips again. “I don’t want hard and fast. I don’t want punishment or hate sex. I want you, Zoey. All of you. I want you to look into my eyes as you come. I want to take my time. I want slow.”

Cupping his face, I press my forehead to his as I look into his stormy eyes. “You want to make love.” Nervously, he nods and searches my gaze. “It would be a first for me too, Gray, but with you, it’s perfect. I need you to remind me that you love me and that everything’s okay, that everything will be okay.” Dragging my lips along his, I tease him with my words. “Make love to me, my wolf.”

“Little doe,” he murmurs as our lips come together in a flurry of loving, drugging kisses.

I don’t usually like it slow, but with Gray? I love it.

My every nerve is alight, and lust pours through me until I’m so wet it should be embarrassing. He swallows my whimpers as he rolls his hips, dragging his cock through my wet folds.

“Fuck, I love you,” he says when he pulls back, pressing his forehead to mine once more.

Those stormy eyes remain locked on mine as he thrusts into me, slowly filling me inch by inch with his length. Wrapping my legs and arms around him, I tug him down and kiss him again, keeping us pressed together. “I love you too. I love every scarred inch of you, Gray. I always have, ever since I was a kid, and I always will.”

“Zoey,” he groans and closes his eyes before they snap open and lock on mine as he starts to move, our bodies coming together. Each touch is filled with reverence, passion, love, and promises.

It’s a turning point for us. This isn’t hate sex or an explosion of need.

This is our love in all its twisted, perfect glory.

Just two souls clicking together.

The ancient Greeks believed people were split in two and spent their whole lives looking for their other half. Gray is my other half.

He’s my everything.

No more lies, no more secrets.

It’s just us and everything we share.

The past, the present, and the future.

My head drops back when he tilts my hips, changing the position so each slide of his cock hits that place inside that has me seeing stars. “I love you, I love you,” I chant, knowing he needs to hear it.

It will take a lifetime for him to believe he’s worthy of it, but I’ll remind him every second of every day.

“Zoey,” he grunts, his neck straining and lips parted. We come at the same time, like a connection tethering us together, and our gazes remain locked the entire time until we kiss again.

“I love you so much,” he murmurs. “So much that it scares me.”

Tags: K.A. Knight Dark