Page 50 of Deadly Match

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I give myself over willingly. After all, he’s right. From the day I laid eyes on him, he owned me, and my ghost is finally here to collect.

His mouth drags along my ass, and his tongue darts around my hole, making me bite into his shirt. “Later, I’m going to fuck this. Every hole you have will be dripping with my cum, and when we get out of here, I’ll lock you in my fucking room for weeks until I’ve had my fill of your body,” he threatens, but I push back, wanting more.

His taunting mouth dances across my pussy and strokes my throbbing clit. His hands cut into my hips, yanking me back and holding me still for his attack. His lips drag over me again and again, until I shiver with the force of my need.

Pleasure rolls through me so hard my toes almost clench, his seductive teasing nearly painful, and he knows it. He wants me to suffer for making him want me, for making him break.

I’ll bend, though, so he doesn’t have to, because it gets me what I want.


His teeth nip my clit, making me groan as I rub my tits against the bed, the friction against my nipples making me cry out around his shirt. His wet fingers circle my hole teasingly as he licks and sucks my clit.

Moaning his name around the shirt, I grip the rope to hold on.

“Delicious.” He groans against my skin, his mouth skating down before he thrusts his tongue inside me, making my eyes slam shut as I rock my hips back.

His fingers push in alongside, stretching me before he goes back to lashing my clit in a steady, slow pace that has me building toward another release. My cream drips from me, and my drool soaks into his shirt as I gasp and moan around it.

Every nerve in my body lights up and focuses on his cruel grip and pleasurable tongue.

The mix drives me mad as I twist and grind. “Come now, little doe, come on my tongue for me.” His teeth lock on my clit at the same time his fingers curl inside me.

What choice do I have?

I explode into a million pieces, seeing stars as he licks me through it. His fingers thrust in and out as he laps up my release. The pleasure grips me until it’s too much.

And then it’s over, and I flop onto my front, his mouth still leisurely cleaning my cunt.

I’m still recovering, panting and drooling around his shirt, when he flips me back again, the sudden rush of blood to my arms almost making me cry. I blink away the tears in my eyes as I get my first look at my avenging angel.

My ghost.

His eyes are brighter than I’ve ever seen them, his face is stark with hunger, and his lips and chin are coated in my cream as he crawls up my body, kissing me around his shirt as he looks into my eyes.

“I fucking hate how much I want you,” he admits. “I hate how fucking weak you make me. How wild.” He rolls from the bed, and I watch with wide eyes as he kicks off his slacks, his peachy ass flexing as he turns, stroking on his huge cock as he watches me. “Is this what you want?” he asks.

I nod jerkily, my pussy clenching at the sight of him.

How could I ever want anything else?

“The night I saw you at the party, I went home and fucked my hand so many times I had blisters. I imagined you in every single way I could, and when it wasn’t enough, I found your Instagram and came all over my phone to your teasing pictures.”


Crawling onto the bed, he grabs my hips as he settles between my tied legs. His cock drags along my pussy as he coats himself in my cum. “I’m so twisted, little doe, but you want me anyway. I still can’t believe it, and you’ll regret it, but I couldn’t stop even if I tried. You are mine.” He slams into me, impaling me on his cock, the angle making him slide so deep it hurts.

It feels so good, and it aches so badly, I’m incapable of anything but screaming around his shirt. He rips it from my mouth and tosses it away, pressing his lips to mine. The kiss is all crashing teeth and tongue as he pulls out and slams back inside me, groaning into my mouth.

“You shouldn’t feel this good, so fucking tight and wet, so hot for me. You shouldn’t feel like your cunt was made to take my cock. You shouldn’t feel like I can’t stop, like I’m powerless.” He grunts into my lips as he hammers into me, his huge length dragging along those nerves that have me jerking and moaning. “You feel too good, and I hate it. I hate that I’m yours, but I am.”

“I’m yours too,” I whine into his mouth as he reaches down and rips off the ropes on my feet so I can wrap my legs around him, digging my heels into his ass as he hammers into me. “Yours,” I cry out as he leans back, watching his length slamming into me, stretching my cunt.

“But are you, little doe?” he snarls, gripping my throat and squeezing. He can have it all as long as he doesn’t stop.

“Yes,” I rasp, but it’s just a breath. His eyes narrow, glancing to the bed before he picks up his knife. He continues to fuck me as he runs the blade between my breasts, flicking my nipples until I clench around him, and then he presses the point just above my cunt.

“Beg me to,” he demands, squeezing my throat to the point of pain, but I embrace the darkness. I let go of all I know, everything but Gray and the freedom he offers.

Tags: K.A. Knight Dark