Page 39 of Deadly Match

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“You, upstairs now!” one yells at the girl while the other sneers at me.

“You, get in here.” He yanks open the door near me and throws me inside to see the shocked but annoyed face of a tall, skinny man who’s sitting behind a desk.

I pretend to fall as I stumble into the office and shove the bug under the desk, ignoring Gray’s barked warning in my ear.

“You’ve only just arrived, miss… Ivy Knight.” He sniffs as he looks me over. “And you are already in trouble. We will let you off this once since you are new, but you will be reprimanded if there is any more fighting or unruly behavior. With three strikes, you’ll be out of here and put back in the system.” His cruel eyes narrow as he leans forward across the shitty desk. “I don’t need to remind you how bad that is.”

“Sure thing, boss man,” I retort as I stand. “Can I go now?”

“Go.” He waves me off. “Fucking kids,” he mutters under his breath as I stroll from the room, winking at the girl I hit before heading back upstairs.

“You are in so much trouble, brat,” Gray snarls.

“Yay. I sure hope your brand of punishment is better than that jerk’s,” I taunt.

“Oh, believe me, it will be,” he growls, the animalistic sound going straight to my clit.

“Then I’ll hold you to it.”

“Are you done having fun at my expense, brat?”

“I haven’t even started having fun with you, wolf.” I wink into the camera and lick my lips. “Now, how about that hot shower I was talking about?”

When he growls louder, I giggle as I skip all the way to the bathroom to give him a show he’ll never forget.



“This is fucking ridiculous,” Hale complains as I press the barrel of my gun deeper into his temple, making sure to leave a mark on the pretty boy’s face.

“Just keep your fucking eyes closed, and I won’t have to blow your brains out,” I warn through gritted teeth, keeping one eye on him and another on the screen showing a naked Zoey in the shower. As she whistles to herself, she purposely bends over, putting on a show.

A show he will never see, or it will be the last thing he does.

“Like I couldn’t steal the gun out of your hand before you even pulled the trigger,” he scoffs.

“Try it and see,” I deadpan, shoving the barrel farther into his skin.

I watch him grind his back molars, considering if he should put his theory to the test or not, but thankfully, he saves me from killing his ass and keeps his eyes shut as ordered.

But Hale is right; this is fucking ridiculous.

I wouldn’t need to pull a gun on Hale if Zoey didn’t insist on playing with her pretty cunt, knowing full well who her audience was. The little vixen is testing my restraint, hoping I’ll bend and break to her will. I should have just fucked her long and hard before she went on this godforsaken mission. Maybe then she’d be satisfied enough not to toy with me.

What am I saying?

This is Zoey.

The girl lives to torment me.

She fucking thrives on it.

I make a note to spank her beautiful ass raw the minute this shit is done so she doesn’t pull another stunt like this ever again. If it were only me watching her come on her hands, then I wouldn’t mind it so much, but she knew fucking Hale was with me, trying to piece together why this mission is so important to me.

They both have no idea why I need to bring this place down, and I want to keep it that way, but if Zoey keeps pulling these types of stunts, then she’ll force my hand, and I’ll have no choice but to break in and take her out of that place just so I can have a little peace of mind.

I mean, what if one of the guards came in while she was pleasuring herself?

Tags: K.A. Knight Dark