Page 26 of Deadly Match

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My hands hit his chest as I press myself against him. He blocks the spray, the water dripping across his face, and for a moment, he looks younger than he is. All that fury and coldness is stripped away until it’s just Gray and me, our scars laid bare to each other.

“That’s why I need to help. That’s why I have to. I don’t fear dying; I fear never being truly alive. I-I only feel alive around you.”

“Little doe.” He groans and reaches for me, gripping my hips as we just stare at each other. The warm water bathes us both as we fight an internal battle.

“Fuck it,” he mutters.

I see him actually let go of whatever was holding him back and give into this feeling between us. I almost scream hallelujah. He lifts me with ease, and I wrap my legs around his waist as he slams his lips to mine. He kisses me hard and fast, biting my bottom lip until I gasp and clutch his shoulders to pull him closer.

Refusing to let him go, like he might fade away if I do, I drink down his desperation and the pained ecstasy that is Gray’s brand of pleasure as he slams me into the shower wall. He pins me there as he sucks on my lip. “You drive me fucking crazy,” he growls, biting my lip until it bleeds. I moan at the pain and roll my hips again, grinding against his hard cock.

“What are you going to do about it?” I taunt as I stare into his cold eyes.

“Show you exactly why you shouldn’t play with fire,” he retorts, kissing me hard once more before pulling me away from the wall. His gaze rises to the silver shower bar above us.

“Hold on and do not let go,” he demands. “If you do, I’ll stop touching you and never touch you again.”

He means it, I see it in his eyes, so I grip the bar as he lifts me into the air, wraps my legs around his head, and buries his head between my thighs.

He’s giving me exactly what I want.




The first touch of his lips against my pussy has me crying out and clenching my thighs around his head hard enough to hurt, but he never complains. He grips my ass and tugs me closer. This is supposed to be a punishment to deter me, but fuck if it doesn’t make me want more.

I want all of him. I want to feel his scars against my body and experience the brutal edge of violence that is Gray.

His lips seal on my clit and suck. The sudden shock of pleasure makes me scream. I use the bar to lift myself and roll against his face, riding it, fucking it, needing more. He doesn’t tease, no; Gray goes straight for the kill.

He attacks my cunt like it’s the enemy.

One hand leaves my ass, and then he slams two fingers into me, forcing me to accept them as he spreads them inside and starts to fuck me with them. All the while, his tongue lashes my clit before dipping inside alongside his expert fingers.

He fucks me hard with them, thrusting them like he would his cock. I cry out as I roll my hips, and pleasure explodes through me from the onslaught.

“Oh fuck!” I yell, dropping my head forward to meet his devilish eyes as he eats me.

He smirks against my clit, and it shouldn’t be as hot as it is, nor should I come as hard as I do when he drags his teeth across my clit at the same time he curls his fingers inside me and strokes a spot that makes me scream.

My release slams through me so suddenly, I jolt and almost let go of the bar. My thighs lock up as my pussy clenches on his invading fingers. I ride the waves, and when they abate, I sag. He pulls his fingers free of my clinging cunt and kisses my clit before unwrapping my legs. I let go of the bar and drop to my feet, staring at him with a heaving chest.

I have never come that fast or that hard.

Watching me, he wraps his slick hand around his cock and strokes it before stopping. “Now I’ll smell like your need all day.” He turns away.

He actually turns away.

I stare at him as he gets out and ties a towel low on his hips. “What, one measly orgasm? You’re not even going to fuck me?” I huff.

He looks back at me, his eyebrow raised. “Next time you’ll behave, and then you’ll come so many times you won’t be able to walk.”

“Promises.” I throw my wet hair over my shoulder and storm after him. “If you won’t take care of me, I will.” I lean back into the sink, sliding my fingers between my thighs and pushing them inside my wet pussy as he watches.

“Zoey,” he warns.

Tags: K.A. Knight Dark