Page 27 of Deadly Affair

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But Zoey just provided a way to get an apartment sooner than I could have ever hoped for, as well as give us a safe place to sleep tonight.

Now how can I ever be mad at that?



Ionce read that to kick a habit, it takes around three months of going cold turkey to do it.

It took years of research to come out with that load of shit.

It’s been well over three months since I’ve set my sights on Layla, and I’m still a fucking addict.

Somewhere along the line, she became my most seductive drug.

I can’t seem to find it in me to quit her, and with every day that passes that I don’t see those beautiful jade eyes of hers or hear her laugh, it feels like I’m going through the worst withdrawal known to mankind.

I still stay away, or at least I stay away from her.

Not wanting to give in to temptation and do something reckless, I’ve forced myself to alter my vigilant routine, staying away from places where I might get a glimpse of my girl.

Instead, I follow the little one like my very life depends on it.

If Zoey is okay, that means Layla is too. That girl would move mountains to make sure her kid sister is happy and healthy, which means if Zoey’s cool, then all is right in Layla’s world. I don’t have to set eyes on her to know that.

Hence why I’m sitting in my car, watching a bunch of unruly kids run out of the school gates like they just spent a stint in the slammer. I turn down the music in my car when I see their two snot-nosed cousins walk through the gates with Zoey nowhere in sight.

Seeing that shit immediately makes me tense.

The same thing happened yesterday, and the day before that.

Zoey never skips school unless she’s sick, but she’s never been sick this long.


I try to breathe through my nose, since my jaw is locked in place, as I scan the school looking for anyone who would be stupid enough to give me some intel. My sinister smile comes to life when I see a young teacher’s aide wave goodbye to the students like they are her entire world.

She’ll definitely know what’s up with Zoey, and since she looks like a woman who is eager to please, she’ll give up any info she has to a total stranger as long as I can fabricate that I’m some concerned parent or family member.

I take one quick look in the car mirror and quickly nix that idea.

I don’t look like a parent, and I sure as shit don’t look like some estranged family member who just dropped into town to see Zoey of all people.

But I can sure as hell pass for a cop.

Considering the girls’ background, a cop dropping by to check on them wouldn’t raise any eyebrows.

With this plan in place, I get out of my car, and with laser-eyed focus, I walk straight to the overly green teacher’s aide.

“Can I help you?” she asks the minute she sees me heading her way.

“All depends. I’m looking for Zoey. She’s about this size and has blonde hair and green eyes. Has a big mouth on her for her age. Know who I’m talking about?”

“And you are?” She arches a brow defensively.

“Detective Wagner,” I lie straight to her face. “Just wanted to see if she’s doing okay, all things considered.”

Her tense posture instantly relaxes before my very eyes as she tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear. It takes everything in me not to scoff when she doesn’t even ask to see my badge and takes my word as gospel.

Tags: K.A. Knight Dark