Page 60 of In the Dark

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I narrow my eyes at my trainer. Spence peers over at Lilly, who is clearly uncomfortable, before addressing me again.

"How about a match between my two best fighters?"

"Wha—?" she squeaks.

"Uh..." is all my brain comes up with.

Lilly and I stare at him, both mirroring equal expressions of shock and disbelief, and Denielle is covering her mouth with her hand. Well, at least one of us is enjoying the show.

"You heard me. Suit up."

He can’t be serious.

When we don’t comply, Spence puts on his Marine face. "MOVE!"

That gets us both in action. I follow Lilly to her bag in the corner, and when I drop mine, she turns and hisses, "What are you doing here?"

What the fuck is her problem?

I’m starting to get irritated by her attitude. I have done nothing but help her in the last few weeks.

I drawl, "I guess fighting you." Two can play that game, and I’ve been playing itmuchlonger.

Her nostrils flare, and there is a spark in her eyes. She is letting the fighter out, and a jolt of electricity flows through my body. The thought of fighting this girl ignites a whole other level of yearning inside of me.


I grab my gear that’s always in my gym bag, including the new gel pads Lilly gave me for Christmas, and get ready. Ten minutes later, Lilly and I are facing off in the middle of the room. Denielle is sitting up straight against the wall, and out of the corner of my eye, I see some of the older gym members stop what they’re doing. People used to see us spar all the time, but not in the last few years. We’ve just become zoo animals.

Fucking great.

I let my gaze turn to tunnel vision. Focus on Lilly. She is doing the exact same, already in her fight stance. No distractions. Not that looking at her isn’t already distraction enough.Ugh, get a grip, or you’ll get your ass handed to you, I silently yell at myself.

In the back of my mind, I hear Spence go over the rules. As if we don’t know.


This. Is. It. Lilly’s eyes narrow, and she is waiting for me to make the first move. I don’t think I should be this excited, should I? When I don’t attack, Lilly takes over and launches herself at me with a cross punch followed by a hook. I block both, and a wide grin spreads across my face.

Game on, baby.

Her eyes widen ever so slightly. She knows I’m not going easy on her—never have—and this is no exception.

"My turn," I taunt. And with that, I drop low and go for her legs. Everyone else I would’ve swept off their feet, but Lilly simply jumps and brings her elbow down on my back.


"Stop playing around," Spence barks at both of us.

Lilly cocks her head, and a wicked gleam enters her eyes. She’s enjoying this as much as I am. I nod, silently telling her I’m all in, and a slow smile spreads across her face, showing her baby-blue mouthguard. When she dips her head as well, I let all hesitation go. It’s just the two of us in the room, and I lunge. She blocks my punches and kicks as if it’s second nature and counters each move with one of her own. I don’t know how long we’re at it, but my eyes are starting to burn from the sweat, and Lilly doesn’t look much better. She’s breathing heavy, loose strands of hair plastered against her face, but Spence makes no move to stop us. He’s standing against the wall, arms crossed over his chest. Next to him are Denielle and Wes.

When did he get here?

This brief moment of distraction is all Lilly needs. She sweeps her foot, and I’m flat on my back. But she doesn’t stop. She drops on top of me, wraps one arm around my neck and, oh no, she’s not—yup, she is.Crap. She grabs the inside of her sleeve with the arm that is under my neck, immobilizes my head with hers, and then sneaks the forearm of her still free hand between her head and my throat, applying pressure. Sleeve Choke. I tap out, and I hear someone clapping slowly in the background. Lilly loosens her grip and inches back so our eyes meet. We’re both breathing heavily, neither of us saying anything. I can’t decipher her expression, but I’m glad she still has me pinned down. My gaze dips to her mouth, and I stifle a groan as her tongue swipes across her bottom lip. If I could move, I don’t think I would be able to fight the urge to slam my mouth onto hers right here and now. My dick enjoys the close proximity between us as well, and my pulse speeds up again. It’s a miracle she hasn’t shown any indication of noticing my hard-on pressing against her. This was hotter than all the sex of the past two years combined.

I wonder what actual sex with her would be like...

Lilly is lifted off me before I can finish the thought, and a hand appears in front of my face. Spence no longer looks smug, but proud. Slapping my palm into his, he pulls me up and claps my back.

Tags: Danah Logan Romance