Page 50 of In the Dark

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"You were such a beautiful little girl, but you have grown up into a stunning young woman," she whispers in awe.

My hands fly to my mouth, and I can’t contain the sniffle that has bubbled up inside of me. Rhys is now directly behind me. I feel his presence without turning, and he murmurs, "You okay?"

I nod but talk to Madeline, "I remember you."

My ears register a sharp intake of breath, but I can’t distinguish if it comes from Rhys or Madeline.

"Why don’t we sit down?" She gestures toward the couches.

I takethe couch Rhys previously occupied, and he sits down beside me. He resumes the same position as before, arm spread behind me, but this time, it’s not calmness that comes over me in waves—it’s protectiveness. Whatever this woman is going to tell us, he’ll make sure I’m safe. I fight the urge to lean back into his arm.

Madeline takes the other couch. "How did you find me?"

I expected that question, so I hold out the copy of the discharge form I found in Tristen’s office. She glances down and hands it back. "That was a very long time ago. Where did you get this?"

I glance at Rhys, and even though his face is expressionless, he gives me the slightest of nods. This is my show until I need him to take the stage.

I talk mostly to my hands folded in my lap. "A few weeks ago, I started remembering...that something happened to me. At first, I thought I was going crazy, but Rhys told me the truth—or, well...what he knew happened."

This is the first time Madeline focuses on Rhys. She studies him for what feels like an eternity. "You’re Heather and Tristen’s son."

Rhys’s expression briefly turns into shock, but he smoothes his features out immediately and drawls, "You know my parents?"

I’m stunned by how hiscool-and-collectedpersona just snaps into place. I haven’t seen that side of him up close since he walked into my room three weeks ago. He’s been one hundred percent himself when he and I are together. He’s mastered putting on a show for people; he lets them see what he wants them to see. At this moment, he’s the alpha who runs the show. And it works.

Madeline moves her head up and down. "I met them briefly when they arrived at the hospital." She looks at me again. "You also called out his name at night." After a pause, she amends, "During your nightmares."

I did?

My breathing becomes erratic, and words won’t form. Rhys studies me for a second and takes over, giving me the time to collect myself. It’s like we rehearsed this, but he simply knows.

"I told Lilly everything I remember. But I was young, and my parents never told me any details. That’s why we’re here. We found the discharge paper in my parents’ office. Whoever took Lilly is still doing it, and we found information that Lilly was the first. Why was her name never released?"

Madeline takes a deep breath. "That is a lot of questions. Do your parents know you’re here?"

"No." His voice is hard and determined.

"I see." She pauses. "I’m not sure I should be talking to you."

My head snaps up. "What? No! I have to know what happened to me. I’ve been lied to for ten years. I have the right—" Madeline holds up her hands, and I stop.

"Yes. Yes, you do. I figured that one day this would come back to haunt me, and I guess the day has come." Then, she smiles tightly and says, "Just let me tell my co-worker that I’ll be taking my break early."

We’reface to face with Madeline. The whole situation is surreal. I can see how Lilly is trying to remain in control of her emotions. I’m having a hard time myself. When she whispered, "I remember you," my heart went into overdrive.

While Madeline is gone, Lilly starts pacing again. It was easy to have my shit together toward the nurse, to portray the arrogant jock. She’s a stranger, and the other persona is second nature to me. But watching Lilly walk the length of the room over and over makes me feel helpless.


"Mm-hmm?" She increases her speed.

"What can I do?"

That makes her halt, and she turns, confused. "Huh?"

I don’t want to fuck this up. Changing positions so my elbows rest on my thighs and my hands are clasped together, I look up at her. "I feel pretty helpless here. What do you need from me?"

Her mouth forms anO.

Tags: Danah Logan Romance