Page 22 of Ice Storm

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Harmony shakes her head. “No, you haven’t. Shelley Mackie doesn’t dictate our success, and I’ll make a formal complaint about her. Kat Jennings from B-Side Magazine has always been our journalist of choice. She’s fair and honest. Shelley Mackie can go fuck herself.”

My eyes widen at Harmony’s words. She’s not one to lose her shit, and hearing her do so now makes me snort with laughter. “You’re an amazing friend and sister-in-law, you know that?”

“Ditto,” Harmony says, hugging me tightly. “I’m here for you, sweet. I’m sure it’s all a misunderstanding.”

I heave a sigh. This isn’t a misunderstanding I can fix because I’ve done nothing wrong. Harrison never gave me a chance. And that’s what hurts the most.

Chapter Twelve


The blades cut across the ice, and I try to lose myself in muscle memory. I might not have a job with The Ice Giants anymore, but that doesn’t mean I can’t use the arena. I came straight here after leaving the bar, needing the physical release.

I’m thankful I have the ice to myself, but no amount of punishing my body can rid me of the ache in my chest. I feel like a chunk of me was ripped away when I saw Jessica sitting with Shelley.

I smash my stick against the puck with all my strength, sending it whiling into the goal. I do it again and again, harder and harder, venting my anger and frustration until sweat blinds me and I’m gasping for breath.

As the anger leaches from me, the red haze lifts, and I see things clearly. I see what a fucking dick I’ve been. Noah told me to let it go, but I didn’t, and now I may have ruined my chance with the only woman I’ve ever truly loved.

I close my eyes, seeing her bright blue eyes, her smile, and the way her face scrunches as she comes on my cock.

“Fuck!” I roar into the empty stadium.

I need to make things right. I need to tell Jessica why I was so upset at seeing her with Shelley. I should’ve told her before, but my stupid fucking pride held me back.Pride before a fall, isn’t that what they say? Well, I’ve crashed face-first over my pride, and look where I landed—in a big, stinking pile of shame and regret.

After a quick shower, I change back into my clothes and head for the hotel where Jessica is staying. When the desk clerk informs me she’s checked out, there’s only one place I can think she would be. Her place in the Catskills. I know I won’t be welcome there if she’s told Mack and Harmony what a fucking asshole I was, but that’s the least of my worries right now. I want Jessica with everything in me, and I’ll grovel on my knees if I have to.

I head to the underground parking lot of my apartment building. Climbing behind the wheel of my Porsche, I leave the city behind.

“You’ve got a fucking nerve!” Mack growls when he sees me on his doorstep. “How the fuck did you know where we live?”

“That would be me,” Harmony says calmly, appearing behind him.

He turns to look at her in disbelief. “Harmony—”

“Trust me on this, Mack,” she says softly, her eyes holding his.

Mack’s shoulders slump. “How do you do that?” he grumbles, pulling her close and kissing her forehead.

She smiles, and a look passes between them. “You know how.”

I clear my throat, feeling as if I’m intruding on a private moment. “I’m an asshole. Jess deserves better, but I’m a selfish asshole because I want her anyway. I love her. I’ve loved her from the moment I laid eyes on her.”

“You love me?”

I spin at the sound of Jessica’s voice. She’s standing behind me, her arms folded over her generous breasts, her eyes on mine unflinchingly. I know she’s angry. I know she’s hurt. But she’s the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen. It’s been six hours since I had her in my arms, but it feels more like six months.

Her eyes and nose are red like she’s been crying. My gut clenches with regret. I did that. I hurt her

I take a step toward her. “Can we go somewhere private and talk?”

She takes a step back. “Here is just fine for whatever you have to say.”

I glance at Mack, who has a smug smile on his face. Yeah, he’s gonna enjoy this. Harmony looks like she’s hanging on every word. Okay. Public groveling it is. It’s a small price to pay for allowing my pride to get in the way and hurting Jess.

“I owe you an apology,” I start, taking another step forward and reaching for her hand.

She doesn’t pull away, but she doesn’t respond either, her hand unmoving in mine.She won’t meet my eyes. They’re fixed on my throat.

Tags: Violet Rae Romance