Page 32 of Love of a Queen

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I lifted a shoulder just as she pulled the trigger.

The sound of the click punctured the room like a needle does a water balloon. The explosion of gasps throughout meant they had believed our show.

Dante, Cade, Bastian, and I were the only ones who knew different. Katie had caught on. Ivan whooped with laughter in the same way Mario had with Jimmy all those years ago. The other men, leaders of the biggest mafia families, joined the shocked laughter.

“She’s one of us now, no?” Ivan nudged Egor next to him and he lifted his glass to her.

She shoved the gun into my chest. “Playing games will end up getting your head blown off one day, Rome.”

Bastian looked between the two of us, then he and Ivan locked eyes.

“Draw up whatever papers you want,” Bastian said. “Let’s let the lawyers iron out the details of this partnership between us all. We’ll see what we can agree upon.”

“Katie should be seen with you in public,” Ivan announced as others started to stand, ready for the meeting to be over. They were all sitting ducks, leaders that were vulnerable without their security. It made them antsy; it made them pussies.

“We’ll sit at the table together, Ivan,” Bastian replied. He glanced between Katie and me before he continued. “She won’t be fucking me though.”

“Why not?” Egor said. “Good for show to those under us.”

“They can learn what a leader is,” Katalina shot back at him. “It’s not a dick or a pussy. It’s a person.”

Jett was the first of the Stonewoods to stand. “It seems Katie knows her way around all of you. I’m not questioning leadership, especially when I know them. I’m happy to do business where needed with her crew, but only her crew and only under her circumstances.”

“Interesting.” Ivan quirked his head. It was an angle he hadn’t considered. “You trust her more than you trust what I’ve done in the bratva.”

“Katie’s been my wife’s friend for a very long time, Ivan. I trust their judgement on what will make my business prosper. Above all else.” He turned to his wife. “Anything else you’d like to add?”

“Yup. Katie, call me. Girl’s night soon.” She winked and threaded her hand through Brey’s before they all turned to leave.

The meeting was over. The negotiations and the turmoil that would come with it had just begun.



Rome idled in the background as Bastian walked over to me while I took in the large space. Beyond the doors of this room, a club beyond my wildest dreams had been built with a dance floor, two floors of beautiful luxury, winding staircases, and an extravagant bar.

A bar at the sex club I hadn’t even known about.

That I’d just pulled a trigger in.

It’d been for show. Still, my heart had pounded and sweat trickled between my breasts before I did. No one holds a gun to someone’s head and pulls the trigger without the idea that they may kill them. But Rome had dropped enough hints.

I doubted anyone had bought the display. How could they when we’d entered together after driving around the block together for an hour?

Still, we’d got the job done. Most of the attendees had agreed or witnessed agreement to our alliance. Hopefully, that agreement would trickle down through the hierarchies. Some would accept me out of sheer loyalty to their families. In the case of the others, I hoped I’d earn their respect, but if not, I would have to fight for it or die.

Bastian straightened his black suit and combed a big hand through his full head of hair. Then, he leaned in to ask, “Want a drink at the bar?”

“You want me to drink with you at a new bar no one thought to mention to me? New Reign has a nice ring to it.”

“It’s Rome’s baby, not mine.”

I hummed at that assessment and glanced around the space. The large mahogany table with a crystal chandelier hanging above added a rich, luxurious feel. With the leather seating and the gold-framed portraits lining the walls of this room, you felt important just being in it. I understood the appeal.

I watched Ivan stand up and saw him already shaking his head in response to Bastian’s invitation. Yet I found myself agreeing. Not because of power, not because I wanted to build our connection, but because I missed Cade sitting near us on his phone and Dante throwing in some inspirational comment half way through the meeting and Rome’s heated stare.

That, I missed most. “I’ll stay for a soda.”

Tags: Shain Rose Romance