Page 28 of Love of a Queen

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I got out just as we parked and my shoes clipped across the marble flooring. The parking structure inside the garage doors was extravagant like the rest of the club. Right now, it was empty, but it would soon be filled with luxury cars and money. The Stonewoods spared no expense with the design and even now when they asked how any design should be handled, I chose top tier.

I went to open Katalina’s car door for her, but two men speaking Russian were already there ushering her out. She glanced my way and mouthed goodbye.

I wouldn’t say it back, wouldn’t even acknowledge it. That woman wasn’t going anywhere away from me ever again.

We moved separately for now. Ivan studied me before he made his way to her side. Two hosts were at the front plated doors near a fountain. They rushed to open the doors for us and we walked through. Inside, diamonds and stones glittered from the ceiling but the lighting was dim, even dark in some places to allow for privacy. The marbled flooring met with dark carpeting near VIP areas, and the velvet seating had gold silk threading throughout.

I watched Katie take it all in. She scanned it like a hawk noticing every detail. When her gaze landed on the first tantra sex chair, they flew to mine.

I hadn’t divulged to her the type of club it was. Sex sold but I wanted a different take, a place where it was consensual, exclusive, and open to whatever the customer wanted. Every member would sign legally binding documents to participate, to bring guests, to be recorded, and more. And exclusivity sold. With our names, we already had a waiting list.

The chains, the whips, the poles, the hoops hanging from the sparkling ceiling didn’t deter anyone except those who may not have wanted to enter in the first place.

Katie curled her lip and walked over to me, stopping her men from following with a hand in the air. “Sex club and I wasn’t invited?”

“You’re invited if you want access.” I turned around the room to see most everyone who was of importance being served and mingling.

She hummed low and cut off what she was about to say when one of our servers approached me with a drink on a tray.

“Your usual, Rome?” The server purred it out like a feline ready to rub her body through my legs. Instead of watching the tall brunette in a leotard that shined like the ceiling, I watched Katie’s reaction.

Her whole body tensed like she wanted a fight. “You enjoy the help while working here, Rome? Maybe I was too quick to assume you were as clean as me back in that limo.”

“If you want to test out the furniture for that smart mouth of yours tonight, we definitely can. I seem to recall you being the one telling me to check my jealousy over you and other men.”

“I’m never going to flaunt them in front of you.”

“Your partnership will be enough.”

She growled in frustration before turning away from me and staring at the entrance where the Stonewoods had just arrived. Jax and Jett walked hand in hand with the women they had decided to take leaps of faith with. Together, they appeared to own the bar, the room, the world. Every family and bratva member silenced as they strolled in.

None of them hurried; each took their time and each of their women walked with just as much ease and composure, like they owned every bit as much of the empire as their husbands.

They were right to think so.

The women had their men’s hearts from the beginning and most likely called most of the shots.

Jett moved his wife, Vick, forward first to sit at the side of the long table we had set up. She waved him off to run over to Katie and hug her though. Some of the distant families whispered, especially when the other Stonewoods made their way to her. Katie had belonged before she knew she did, and somehow she was a thread that was weaving us all together.

She’d befriended Brey and Vick long before we all had. Her bond with the Stonewoods and her friends was more solid than any she had with bratva members, maybe even some of the Armanelli Family too.

Ivan ambled up to me as everyone took in the scene. “She’s something else, no?”

“She’s everything else.”

“I never imagined the depth to the girl or the sheer intelligence. Her mother was smart but that one… she has the potential.”

“She’s not a tool, Ivan.”

“She’s a ruler and that makes her a tool for the bratva, just like you’re a tool for the Armanellis. We’ve all got a place.”

“Or maybe we decide to leave the place behind and make our own somewhere else.”

“At this point, someone would find and kill her. You and I both know that. You can’t live your life in hiding with her. You weren’t built for that. Neither of you were. Look at her.”

She radiated power. Her earrings, strands of gold hanging from her lobes, swung back and forth as she shook her head, laughing at something Jax said. Her black dress fit her like a glove, wrapping up her curves in one delicious package. More than a few of the men stared and surely wondered what it would be like to bend her ass over one of the chairs. I had. It made me want to usher her out of the club immediately.

“I hope you’ve both figured out your issues,” said Ivan. “We’re about to create more.”

Tags: Shain Rose Romance