Page 76 of Heart of a Monster

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“Was a liar. I took his life for it. I’d do it again.” The darkness in his eyes deepened, and he glanced down like a memory weighted his gaze. “He gave me that chain. And now it reminds me that each part of the family is connected, but it only takes one link to break us all.”

I nodded, knowing the strength of the mob but also how fragile it was. “It’s not your responsibility to hold us all together.”

“It is. I’m the monster. I protect us. I save the family before I save anyone else.”

I sighed. “We’re aiming toward the same goal.”

“Yeah, but when I’m with you, the monster quiets. I’m starting to think his loyalties are different to mine.”

She shook her head. “Worry about protecting the family, Rome.”

His tongue ran over his teeth. “That includes you, Katalina.”

“I’ll never be one of the family. An untouchable, sure. But not part of the family.”

He kissed me then, and this time it was soft. His lips were gentle as they rubbed over mine, and his hand on my jaw soothed away my worries. I melted into him because it was where I’d always belonged, the one place I felt most secure and most scared. No one wants to lose their safe haven, and Rome had the ability to rip mine away from me. My heart warred with itself. Would I be a part of the family he always protected or become a detriment to them all?

I wondered if one day the man who kept me standing would destroy me.

Until then, I took in the taste of him, absorbed the feel of him, and clung to the hope that maybe we could make it in the family together.

He pulled back and leaned his forehead on mine. “My blood is your blood, baby. I promise you that.”

I nodded because I wouldn’t argue with him now, not after a kiss so tender.

“I’ll show you the room.” He stepped back, breaking our connection, and motioned for me to step forward. “I need you in here for a few hours while I gather information.”

I opened my mouth to argue with him.

He cut me off. “If I get the info I need, I’ll share it with you first. No one else.”

“You expect me to believe that you won’t call Bastian?” I jutted a hip out, trying to look menacing even though my hands were still zip-tied and I was in a damn poofy, over-the-top dress.

“Our relationship should be built on trust,” he tried with an eyebrow raised.

I blew a raspberry and started to walk down the dark hall of the secret entrance. “You don’t trust anyone, Rome.” That was the problem between him and every single person in his life. His father had broken him, and maybe his ex-fiancée had too.

I heard his footsteps behind me, and we came to a dark oak door. I turned the knob, not waiting for him to give me permission, and walked into a room lush with leather and rich, luxurious creams. A king-size bed sat on one side, while a large desk topped with four computer monitors stood on the other.

“Room for you and your lovers?” My stomach rolled with jealousy.

“No. A panic room of sorts. You’re the only one who has been in here.”

The muscles coiled in my neck relaxed. “So, what? You want me to stay here? Instead of a panic room, it’s a prison cell.”

“Don’t be so damn dramatic. You have everything. There’s a bathroom over there and—”

“There’re no windows!” I turned toward him and glared at how ludicrous he was being. “You need to start talking, or I’m going to start freaking out. What do you think is going on?”

“I think you’re too volatile right now for me to share that with you.” He stalked toward his computers and started unplugging them.

“Are you kidding me?” I screeched and ran over to bang him on the back with my two fists. It felt like I was pummeling a brick wall. “Untie me now. Forget Bastian. I’m calling Mario.”

He turned around with wires in his hand and a big-ass smile on his face. “You’re in no state to argue, Katie.”

I was in a hidden room with a killer who could dispose of a body very easily. The only people who would miss me were Brey, Vick, and maybe him.

He was right. I wasn’t in any position to argue or tell him what to do. I should have been begging, strategizing, anything. Most people would have been scared at this point. But I wasn’t ever scared that Rome would physically harm me, even though I’d seen him break my former boyfriend’s bones. Instead of the fear I should have felt, I only felt frustration.

Tags: Shain Rose Romance