Page 62 of Heart of a Monster

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I’d never backed down.

I’d never given them a reason to doubt me.

I’d delivered important information time and time again.

Was bait as good as blood, or was bait a couple of drops they were willing to waste?

I paced the kitchen, round and round that counter, until I’d talked myself into believing I was more. Then I strode back to my room down the long hallway and yelled to Bastian, “I have to check my dress. Be out soon.”

I slammed my door and eyed the walk-in closet. The dress I had on was sleek and black. It was the first one I’d tried on, the one Rome conceded to having me wear. But I’d called the saleswoman and had the other delivered.

I still didn’t know why. It was a hell of a dress. Like the devil himself conjured it up for me to do bad things in. The feathers felt like heavenly clouds brushing against the swell of my chest, but the cinched waist, the boning digging in, and the tied ribbon squeezing my lungs reminded me that most days could be heaven and hell mixed together. The feathers were woven into the lace and tapered off just at my hips where beads and mesh swirled over my ass and pooled down my legs. The material would swoosh with each step I took, and I knew every man would love it.

I’d straightened my hair and dyed it onyx black, and painted my eyes dark and smoky. With my hair in a high ponytail and red lipstick on, I knew I was asking for every man’s eyes.

Tonight, I wanted them.

I wanted an audience, and I wanted to be the juiciest bait yet. I just wasn’t sure if I would allow anyone else to save me tonight.

I was starting to think I needed to save myself. Save myself from everyone.

Even the family.

“You ready?”

I jumped, and my hand immediately went to where I’d just slid my knife under my armpit. The metal fitted there perfectly because the knife was small, crafted to wound but not necessarily kill. I’d have to twist and truly gut someone if I wanted to. I never used it, but my hand flew to it much more often than necessary.

“Carrying into the gala, Katie?”

“A little extra back-up is always nice.”

“For what? I’ll be by your side all night. We get Georgie alone and he’ll admit everything to us. He won’t be able to stand us together, and he’ll confront us. He just needs to admit something about Russian ties. Cade and I discussed it with lawyers. We could potentially get him on arson or RICO laws if we get audio too. Supposedly a burned-down factory was a part of all this. That’s it. If you feel unsafe at all tonight, though, you press the button on your bracelet.”

I glanced down at the nifty device that appeared to be a diamond bracelet. It had a tiny black button on the clasp that signaled distress.

Distress?As if I hadn’t been alone with Georgie hundreds of times on my own, as if now I was important enough to hold on to. But why?

“Is this necessary?” I lifted my wrist. “I’ve never needed this before.”

“Before we didn’t realize you were dealing with men capable of murdering you, Katie. We were fucking stupid.”

I narrowed my eyes. “Anyone is capable of murder. Georgie’s fine.”

“If we get more intel on Georgie, our lawyers will take care of the rest.”

“This isn’t how your father would do things, Bastian,” I said as I turned toward the mirror. “What’s the plan? Have me on your arm and get him so worked up he comes over and confesses all his dirty deeds? It won’t work.” I moved a few feathers around and dragged my ponytail to my front to comb a couple of the curls into submission.

“It’ll work,” Bastian responded, but his shoulders were bunched, and I saw the question in his eyes.

These men didn’t understand how other men worked. It took a woman, someone like me, who’d lain with them in their most vulnerable moments, to know what made them tick. Georgie was proud and slimy all at the same time. He wanted love for his manliness and did just about anything to obtain it.

“He’ll never approach you, Bastian,” I murmured, but I decided to concede for the time being. “Don’t worry. This will work. I promise, you won’t need backup. We got you.” He huffed, and I knew he meant well, but I was on edge, in a place I’d never really been before.

I’d avoided telling my best friend that I was bait and Rome’s words echoed in my head. The thought of being alone, of the family not really being mine, of not belonging had infiltrated my soul. It was uncomfortable and real, and it exposed me to the one thing I didn’t want to remember—that I didn’t really belong anywhere.

But I did deserve to be somewhere. I’d earned that right.

If they wouldn’t give it to me, I’d take it.

Tags: Shain Rose Romance