Page 45 of Thrive

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“Put me down,” I commanded, our position all of a sudden too much for me.

“No.” He smirked. “I’m going to enjoy you up against me for now, woman. Even if it’s not the way we both want it.”

“That’s not a friendly thing to say.”

“Sharing how you’re contemplating our sex scenes in your bedroom isn’t friendly either.”

“Who said I was contemplating them with you?” I countered.

“Who else could it be when I’m in the room right next door?”

I scrambled because I had thought about it and it was embarrassing. I should have been focused on other things. “Dougie, a guy in town, anyone really. And quite frankly I have a vast array of sex toys to keep me company for the month. I’m fine.”

He didn’t respond as we neared the house. Walking up the front steps, I took in the cool air and darkness that enveloped us. The stars above shone brighter than they ever did in the city and bugs chirped like a symphony of nature.

He lowered me onto the white porch but didn’t step back as he let me slide down his body. “The only person you contemplate anything with in this town is me, little one. Stop lying.”

His voice rumbled into the cool night air, joining the cold wind in sending shivers down my spine. “I don’t lie. I’ve thought about other men,” I proclaimed, sure he wouldn’t ask for details.

“Oh, yeah. Let’s bet. Name one.”

“Wait, what’s the bet?” I asked, stalling so I could rack my brain for an answer.

“Don’t cheat and delay the inevitable.”

“I… Well, there’s…” I blanked as I stared into his eyes. They twinkled like the stars in the night sky and lit up my soul. I couldn’t finish the sentence because all I saw in front of me was the man I wanted but knew I shouldn’t.

I leaned closer and closer to the lips I dreamt about and ran my hand up his chest. He didn’t stop me at first. His hand was at my wrist when I lifted on my tiptoes and took his mouth in mine.

He and I both moaned as we got lost in that kiss. The darkness of the night swallowed us up and let us indulge. I didn’t worry about who would see us in this small town; I only worried I wouldn’t get enough of him.

I gripped him tight and pulled him even closer, nipping at his lip and diving back in. I was feeling brave, like this could work, like we could give in and figure it all out in the morning.

My hand ran over his shoulder, and my core quivered when I felt my leather book bag strap there. He’d always been so thoughtful. I appreciated that about him.

But not when he pulled away.

Not when he said, “Meek, we have to stop. You’ve been drinking. And I… I can’t do this with you right now.”

I covered my mouth and stumbled through the front door. “Oh, God. I’m sorry.”

“I don’t want apologies, little one. I want to make sure that when it happens, you’re sober. And it will happen. Mark my words, Little Pebble. That you can bet on.”

Tags: Shain Rose Romance