Page 44 of Thrive

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“Jay!” she yelled over my head. “Mikka drank all the moonshine. She’s going to need some help.”

“No.” I shoved off the bar, and from somewhere Ray’s voice said, “slow down.” I rolled my eyes. I’d had some of the best and strongest cocktails at bars in California. “A little moonshine never hurt me.”

Jay’s arm wrapped around my waist and I snuggled in close to him. “You okay to walk home?” he whispered in my ear.

“Are people staring at us?” I asked.

I heard him chuckle. “People always stare at you, woman.”

He turned to his brother and best friend to say goodbyes.

They were truly the most beautiful couple in the world.

Aubrey laughed and then hugged me. “You said that out loud.”

“Oh, God.” I was starting to see the room spin. “I need to go to bed.”

“I’ll see you soon.” Aubrey let me go and then they offered us a ride but Jay must have declined because suddenly the cool Autumn breeze, much cooler than desert air, hit my face.

“Jesus! It’s freezing. We should have taken a ride home.” I tried to snuggle farther against Jay.

“Well, you need the fresh air. We need to get you some winter clothes too.”

“My clothes are fine. I look great in my outfit,” I slurred, but I shivered a little and found myself stopping to make a decision. “Maybe we need an Uber.”

“Meek, I told you, no Ubers around here.”

“Will you be my car then? I’m ruining my shoes.” I thought about that for a second. “Or my feet. Probably, most definitely, ruining my feet.”

As I was finishing my sentence, Jay dipped to swoop me up into his arms. “I’ll be your groom for the night, I guess.”

“A groom always screws his bride on their wedding night. Oh my God, that iron headboard would definitely make a loud declaration of love.”

He halted mid stride. “Your mind this dirty all the time?”

“Hm.” Alcohol had made my lips loose. “I grew up in a porn store. I don’t think I’m a nymphomaniac or anything. The ideas are just always in my head or I see them easily because, you know, porn.”

He jerked his head up and down like my confession made him uncomfortable.

“Is this weird?” I wiggled a little in his arms. “Put me down.”

He didn’t. Instead, he stalked forward, much faster than before. “Don’t share the ideas in your head with me this month.”

Crossing my arms over my chest, I pouted like a baby. “Why not? You said we’re being honest and open here. This is the place for it and we’re working through it all together. Blah, blah, blah.”

“We’re working through our problems together, Meek. I don’t need your fine ass creating more by sharing your kinky mind with me.”

“My mind isn’t a problem!” I protested. “I have a healthy sex drive. Did you know the average person is supposed to think about sex eight times a day? Also, thinking about it more is quite possibly good for you.”

He groaned. “I highly doubt that in our case.”

“What’s our case?”

“Our case is us trying to remain friends this month, right? I’m not going to think about anything sexual with you when you’re on a break with Dougie.”

All of a sudden, I felt the bunched muscles in his arms and chest as he walked. I bounced onto his abs with each stride.

Could he feel my skin heating, my heart starting to jackhammer in my chest? Did he see me staring right at the lips I knew were pillowy soft?

Tags: Shain Rose Romance