Page 48 of Reverie

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I sipped my coffee and got back to the contract I was working on. There was a loophole, and I didn't know how to change it without making the other company extremely uncomfortable.

I rubbed my eyes and then took one tiny second to look at my manicured nails. I needed a reset, a moment's break so I could revise this.

The blue on them sort of matched the color of Tiffany & Co. And my manicurist had painted a little bow on the ring fingers. My dress was the same Tiffany blue with a ribbon around the waist, and I wore white stilettos to match it. The ensemble felt airy and fun.


I jumped, slamming down the hand I was examining. The voice vibrated through me and sent shivers skittering down my spine.

“Where's Bob?”

I cleared my throat, embarrassed. “He's at lunch.”

Jett surveyed the room and ran his tongue over his teeth. Then he clicked his tongue as if he was shit out of luck. “Let him know I need to see him when he's back.”

This was why I looked at my nails. The team handed grunt work to me, but no one trusted me with the real work. It made my eyes bleed and my hands itch for something more.

“Something I can answer for you, Mr. Stonewood?”

His lip curled when I referred to him. “Mister ...? You know what, never mind. Yes, pull up the Benson file if you can.”

I already had it up on my computer. I repositioned in my chair and motioned to the contract I had open.

“Ah. So, you see the loophole too.” He eyed me with a little more attention this time.

Those deep blues crinkled at the corners, and I felt his assessment of me shifting.

“The wording allows for it. Legally, you could argue they intentionally worded it that way, but it probably wouldn't hold up in court.”

He leaned over my shoulder, his chest brushing my hair, and I caught his scent, masculine and fresh. Intoxicating. A distinct reminder of some of the best orgasms I’d ever had.

I wiggled in my seat for reasons I didn't want to acknowledge and shook my head a little to clear it.

“I see your point. How do we fix it?” His voice rumbled in my ear, so close that I could feel his breath on my cheek.

I started to respond, but he lifted his hand to point to a sentence on my screen. “Could we remove that sentence?”

“That leaves you liable if something goes wrong.”

A growl rolled from him all the way to my core. “Let me know when Bob gets back. I need him to figure this out by the end of the day.”

“I’m working on it.” I shouldn’t have pushed, but I knew I had this, the answer was right there on the tip of my tongue.

Jett tilted his head just enough that his five-o’clock shadow grazed my ear. “Are you now?”

I turned to look at him, and he was a breath away, so damn close I could have kissed him. I licked my lips, and his eyes tracked my movement. “I’ll get it to you by the end of the day.”

“See that you do, Victory.” He pushed away from my desk and straightened.

Everyone had continued to work. No one stopped to witness him visiting my corner. Only Steven and I were shaken by it.

He leaned over his desk to whisper, “I think he just got back from New York.”

“Didn’t come back in the best mood either.”

Steven chuckled. “Let’s do dinner after you finish that today, huh?” I waited for my heart to gallop the way it did when Jett whispered in my ear, but it stayed steady.

I nodded toward him anyway. “That would be great. I’ll have it by then. It’s right there.”

Tags: Shain Rose Romance