Page 36 of Reverie

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Steven wiggled a bit in his seat. He ran his hand through his blond hair and glanced out the window at the tower. The SUV idled in traffic, but we were only about ten feet away from being able to exit. “It isn’t about the number. There’s a lot more that goes into wanting to give up control of Samson and Sons.”

Mark nodded. When he looked my way, I raised my eyebrows. I couldn’t help it. I’d told him it wasn’t about numbers.

Mark pushed again. “Still. What’s the number?”

I rolled my eyes at Mark. Steven wasn’t like him; he didn’t crawl around on the floor to pick up dollar bills when they were thrown his way. He wouldn’t sacrifice another’s happiness for money he didn’t need.

Steven replied, “I’ll know the number if I see it.”

Mark raised his eyebrows at me this time, but I just shrugged. Steven wouldn’t see that number, he’d told me. If he had to fib a time or two to get Mark off his back, I understood.

We exited the vehicle and two men met us in the lobby. We made our way to the elevators, and I took in the lobby’s layout. Leather couches and oak desks had been strategically placed throughout. The dark browns and ceiling-to-floor windows screamed luxury which was, I am sure, the designer’s intent.

No one else really took in the furniture or the design as they walked in. They were mesmerized by the elevator shafts, which curved with the building all the way to the top, while water cascaded down around them.

Steven commented to the two men waiting with us for the elevator, “The architecture of this building has always floored me.”

One answered, “Yes, the Stonewoods were very much involved in determining the final look. Jax had a hand in developing the elevator design.”

“It’s a phenomenal design. Really quite brilliant,” Steven said.

The man nodded. “He and his family are quite brilliant.” The awe and pride in the man’s voice was apparent as we stepped onto the elevator. The doors closed as water cascaded down the glass walls.

Steven eyed him curiously. “You really enjoy working here, yes?”

“I couldn’t have asked for a better position. They push everyone hard but get the best out of them too.”

Steven nodded.

“This way.” We followed the man down the hall to an expansive built-in desk where a brunette sat, her hair pulled back in a severe chignon. “Gloria, let Jett know I’ll be bringing Samson and Sons to the conference room now.”

She jerked her head down once, as if any more motion would be inefficient. We followed the man through glass doors and down a hall that opened up to more ceiling-to-floor windows. People buzzed between the desks and pellucid cubicles. No one seemed to be tied to one area though. Like a hive, they all worked on something different, but we knew they had built this magnificent thing together.

To the very back of the space, up three dark gray marble steps was the man who made it all run. He stood at the edge of those stairs, like a king. He wore a tailored navy suit with brown leather shoes and a belt to match. His white collared shirt and blue tie finished off the perfect package.

I had seen Jett in the nude, swimming trunks, sweats, and jeans. He looked good in everything, but that suit looked like the most natural thing on him. The man was made to reign over the world, and his outfit showed it.

When he saw me, his mouth tipped up, and he raised one eyebrow.

I looked away, not at all as ready for this encounter as I’d thought I was.

Jett took his time walking down the steps to come shake each of our hands.

He eyed Steven first and put his hand out. “Happy we could meet today. Your company has my attention.”

Steven smiled and stood a little taller, not at all hiding his admiration for Jett. He shook Jett’s hand vigorously. “I am really happy to hear that. We are looking forward to talking over things.”

Jett nodded and turned to shake everyone else’s hand.

He saved our exchange for last or maybe I lingered in the back, hoping he would overlook me.

He didn’t. He looked me up and down, waiting a beat before putting out a hand. “Ms. Blakely. Always a pleasure.”

I nodded. “Yes, Mr. Stonewood. It is.”

He motioned to a hall that led to more rooms. “We’ll be meeting in the second door on the right.”

Everyone turned to follow the two men who had led us up to this floor. Jett waited behind and as I started walking, I felt his hand on the small of my back.

Tags: Shain Rose Romance