Page 26 of Reverie

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Brey looked toward the ceiling of the club. “This isn’t something we should talk about.”

“Well, Katie is dating one of them!” I yelled and stood up from my stool. “And you just married Jax. If his business is associated with—”

“Stonewood Enterprises is associated with every business in the city, Vick,” Brey stated matter-of-factly.

I pictured guns, violence, murder.The Godfatherreel started playing in my head, and I blurted, “You guys need to figure your shit out. We could be killed.”

Katie—who never seemed to worry about anything—eyed me like I was a lunatic. “You do realize that we aren’t in a movie, right? Organized crime isn’t what it once was.”

“I don’t know if you’re downplaying the situation or being honest.” No one ever really did with her. “And, anyway, you don’t think anything is a big deal.”

She rolled her eyes. Brey jumped in. “No one needs to worry.”

I pursed my lips. “Does Rome know you're dating someone in the mob?”

This time, Katie’s eyes bugged out and she stood up. “He doesn’t get a say in who I date.”

Her words were measured. She narrowed her eyes at me like she was telepathically communicating to keep my mouth shut.

She didn’t want me blurting out that I had found Rome and her tangled in the sheets a while back. Rome and Brey used to sleep together too but never had feelings for each other. I had a pretty good suspicion that Katie and Rome’s story went deeper and Katie didn’t want anyone finding out.

I shrugged my shoulders and crossed my arms. “Then he won’t mind if I tell him you’re dating one of the Armanelli brothers.”

“Don’t be a bitch, Vick,” Katie spit out.

Brey rubbed her forehead. “You guys, come on. This is a girls' night out. Let’s not fight.”

“Fight about what?” A deep voice rumbled behind me, and I felt the Stonewood presence before I turned and saw them.

Jax and Jett approached with a few enormous men in suits.


The club was packed tonight, and they didn’t need problems with Jax being here. Jax slid his arm around Baby's waist.

“This is a girls’ night,” she glared at him.

He smiled. “Peaches, we’re newlyweds. I get you every night.”

Envy shot through my veins. I wanted a man to want me like Jax wanted Brey. Love me like he loved her. Always. Even at her worst.

I glanced at Jett. The man who would never ever want or love like his brother. He stood there staring back at me with nothing in his blue eyes. He didn’t feel a sliver of emotion for any woman, not even me, who he had slept with multiple times. Still, even with that coldness, or maybe because of it, he looked lethally gorgeous. Muscles stretched his collared shirt, his rolled cuffs revealed impressive forearms, and his dark jeans screamed casual but expensive.

He didn’t smile or nod as we eyed one another. His eyes held that look of control, but I knew what was beyond that wall. He covered up how he eyed the crowd, how he was constantly scoping out the weaknesses of a situation.

Jett wanted to keep everyone safe, everyone in his circle protected.

A club was not the place to protect and still his nature to do so made him seem even more appealing to me. Yet, I knew from just the way he broke our stare, he was completely unavailable.

“So, guess the party’s over,” Katie mumbled and downed her drink. “I have to meet someone anyway.”

I glared at her. She glared back because we all knew who she was going to meet.

“We’ll talk more about this later,” I enunciated every word, making it clear I meant what I said.

She singsonged in a ridiculous Disney princess voice that didn’t suit her, “Sure we will.” Then, her tone dropped. “Bye, bitches.”

With that, she sashayed away.

Tags: Shain Rose Romance