Page 16 of Reverie

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I squeezed him hard and quickened my strokes. “I like to have fun.”

His hand moved in me, and I moaned. “This fun enough?”

I didn’t answer, just rode his hand and stroked him at the same pace.

He grunted, “Looks like you’re having a great time, Vick.”

He slid another finger in, and I bucked against him. “Jett, can you please …”

“Please what?”

I moaned, “Please shut up and fuck me here. Please. Please. Please.”

He laughed at my chanting but didn’t move to take his shorts off. He curled those two fingers in me and rubbed in just the right place.

He kept strolling deeper into the water. And just as I was about to scream, he submerged us.

We looked at each other as I pumped him faster and faster, and he fingered me at the same speed. The water clouded my senses, disoriented me with lack of oxygen, and shook me to my core. When I orgasmed, I didn’t see stars or explosions or lights. I saw his blurry figure under the water like a foggy dream taking over my damn mind.

He owned me, held me where I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t feel air against my skin, or witness any life other than him.

I felt him spasm right after me, his muscles tightening. I saw his neck go taut and knew he was getting off just as intensely as me.

We were under the water, in an unfamiliar world made for us alone. I told myself to forget about the fairy tale, to stop living in reverie, but I lost myself to it with him under that water.

After Jett got me off, he swam away, then reappeared with my swim top. "Here."

I grabbed it and retied the strings as he front crawled over to where the tide had washed our boards out. When he pushed mine toward me, I said, "Should I go around the rock first or you?"

"Or we could both go at the same time?"

I narrowed my eyes at him.

He laughed. "Vick, no one cares what we're doing."

"Speak for yourself. My friends are nosy."

"Are they? Or are you the nosy one and think they'll ask the questions you normally ask them?"

"Brey knows …"

"She might know something is up, but that girl would never ask."

I huffed and straightened my bikini top before I paddled my board toward the rock. "Whatever. It doesn't matter."

"I know it doesn't. We're adults. We can do whatever we want in the damn water."

I ignored him and swam toward Jaydon and Brey who looked like they had resorted to sitting in shallow water looking at seashells.

"Where did you guys go?" Jaydon asked.

I looked pointedly at Jett behind me. "There's some beautiful coral reef on the other side of that rock."

Jett rolled his eyes and walked past all of us without engaging in the conversation.

"Guess Jett didn't enjoy it?" Jaydon practically yelled after his brother to irritate him.

Jett turned to respond, catching all of us off guard. "Oh, the reef was exceptional. Under the water, in this light—absolutely exceptional."

Tags: Shain Rose Romance