Page 34 of Inevitable

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I nodded. “He’ll come visit. He’s starting to get time off when he asks for it.”

Vick and Rome didn’t look convinced.

“I’m serious! After being in three blockbuster movies, they have to give him time off set to decompress.”

Vick nodded, staying positive. “You’re totally right.”

Like a breeze bringing in a storm, whispers started to travel around me. Goose bumps formed on the back of my neck. My heart raced as if my body was preparing for battle.

As I turned, I knew who I would see, but bracing for an explosion never worked.

The Stonewood family walked toward us from a distance. The crowd that buzzed before, rumbled with excited whispers.

Celebrities were in their presence. Men in suits fanned out around the family, and although it wasn’t obvious, I knew they were bodyguards.

Nancy Stonewood stood at her estranged husband’s side, a small smile on her lips as her dark hair waved in the wind. She wore a white dress that matched Senior Stonewood’s white tie. As she looked up at her husband, his blue eyes twinkled like he held the secret of the world and shared it with only her. She smiled like she knew it too.

Jax and Jett walked beside them, sunglasses shielding their gorgeous eyes. Both were dressed in suits that probably cost more than my entire wardrobe. They mirrored each other with their dark hair and sun-kissed skin. Jett stood stiffer, like the weight of the world rested on his shoulders.

Jax, on the other hand, moved like molten lava. I knew firsthand how dangerous it was to be in his presence. He warmed everyone he passed, could make them feel alive. And yet, if someone got too close, he’d singe them. He didn’t carry weight on his shoulders, he swallowed it all up and formed it into a power to wield as his own.

I crossed my legs as they all made their way over to us, and I reminded myself that I hated him. I hated everything about his confidence and the attitude that made him not worry about a thing. It allowed him to leave me behind to become a rock star who slept with another woman every night without a second thought. It was that attitude that had made him a billionaire mogul investor who could get whatever he wanted.

I stood to greet them as they neared. Nancy Stonewood rushed forward.

“Brey, you look beautiful.” Her hand ran through my hair. She pulled me in for a hug. “I always loved your natural hair color. Keep it, okay?”

I smiled as I hugged her back. “Nancy, you told me you liked my dark hair.”

“Honey, I lied,” she whispered, pulling back to look over at my friends. “You all look so good. Much better than the last time I saw you.”

All three of us threw glances at one another. Last time Jay bought us all a little too much wine. Vick faced it head-on. “Ugh, I don’t remember a thing from that night, Mrs. Stonewood.”

“Me either.” Her candid, bright response had us all laughing hard enough that I forgot about who was around.

She moved to hug me quickly again. “Lunch soon?”

I smiled. “Sounds perfect.”

She winked. “I’ll see you all tonight.”

I moved to shake Senior Stonewood’s hand. “So good to see you.” I emphasized each word and stood tall, letting the mannerisms from family breeding take over because Senior Stonewood scared formalities out of everyone.

His blue eyes held the wisdom and power of one of the most lucrative businessmen in the world. Everyone shrank away under his cold stare. I’d only seen his expression warm for one person and that was Nancy. He was a man of few words which he only chose to speak to Nancy. He was also a man nobody dared say more than a few words to.

If Senior Stonewood wasn’t enough to make my nervous ticks come out, knowing that the bane of my existence was just feet from me did the trick.

“Pleasure as always, Aubrey.” Mr. Stonewood patted my back and stepped away quickly. He nudged Jett forward and latched back onto his wife.

Jett’s formalities overpowered any friendship we’d built over the years. He knew who watched and who didn’t. He smiled friendly enough as he hugged me. “Account meeting soon? And …” He leaned closer still. His next words started the tremor in me. “Don’t crumble. They’re watching.”

I swallowed hard and avoided looking in Jax’s direction, afraid I wouldn’t be able to breathe. I didn’t say a word, just tightened my grip on Jett.

He squeezed my waist before he pulled back. “You ready?” He searched my eyes while holding a friendly smile. I tried to mimic his grin, attempting to squelch the shaking I could feel creeping out. He gave me a quick nod as if to reassure me that I could face Jax.

I wanted to scream at him to wait. I wasn’t ready and never would be. Mostly because if I talked with him, I’d want to yell while I threw whatever was nearby directly at his head. I wanted to claw at him the way he clawed at my heart and ripped it apart.

None of that was for the public.

Tags: Shain Rose Romance