Page 32 of Inevitable

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I squeezed her wrists. “I can walk with you. We don’t have to go with Rome.”

She rolled her eyes. “I hate the guy.” Her voice got loud enough for Vick to hear. “Don’t know why you two hang out with his dumbass.”

I snickered. “You told me to hook up with the hot bartender when we first met him.”

“That was before I knew he was the owner of said bar and an egotistical ass.”

I sighed. “I’ll walk with you.”

She shook her head. “He’s an ass but Rome will look good on your arm today. Plus, you guys have killer chemistry. It’ll make Jax sick.”

I rolled my eyes this time. The woman was evil.

She swung open the door on her way out just as Rome arrived.

Their usual stare down happened. Rome raked his eyes over her body like he did with every woman, and honestly, Katie could have a sign that said Keep Away or I’ll Shoot You on her shirt with holstered guns strapped to her, and men would still look. She surpassed Vick’s sex kitten and my blandness by miles. With her combat boots, cut-off black top, and denim shorts that left little to the imagination, she looked like a badass Tomb Raider.

Although we didn’t know her ethnicity, we knew it was a phenomenal mix. Her eyes slanted a little and their gray color contrasted nicely against her caramel skin. On top of that, she rocked a Victoria’s Secret model body with a little less height.

Rome and her didn’t get along but he eyed her up like he wanted to eat her alive. He leaned on the doorframe, blocking her exit. “Going somewhere, Kate-Bait?”

“Yes. So, move.”

He flicked his gaze to Vick, not listening to Katie at all. “I thought I was driving all of you.”

Katie didn’t wait for Vick to answer. She just shoved him hard enough in the shoulder to slide past him.

He smirked as her body grazed his and grumbled, “What a waste.”

She mumbled something along the lines of him being a dirty asshole. Then she was gone.

Rome snickered to himself at his own antics.

When he looked up, the hours seemed worth it. His jaw dropped open so wide, I almost asked if he was trying to show us something in the back of his throat.

He growled and moved toward me. “You look hot and fuckable. You sure we have to go to this graduation?”

My eyes bulged as I snapped my neck around to see if Vick had heard him.

“Vick’s in the next room, Brey,” he whispered. His hands slid around my waist, and he was already licking my ear.

I slapped him on the shoulder, and then slid my hands down to his chest. “I told her we aren’t sleeping together anymore.”

His jaw ticked as he pulled back from me. “Is that the truth? We stopping this?”

I sighed. “I don’t know. Do you want to?”

He eyed me up and down. “Absolutely not.”

“Rome, are you thinking with your head and not something else?” I smirked and looked down.

“Brey, I’ll stop if you want. We do it because it’s a release for both of us. I care about you and you know that, but I can’t do relationships. Every girl I sleep with knows that. If you’re thinking that you want a relationship ...” He trailed off, looking heartbroken.

I placed my hand on his chest and sighed in relief. His words were the comfort I needed to hear. “Vick keeps making me think you may want something more like a relationship, and then I’ll hurt you or you’ll hurt me. I can’t do more than what we are doing now either. I like what we have.”

“Vick’s just being over protective.”

“She protects our little crew even before there’s a problem.” I laughed as Rome cringed like he hated being a part of it.

Tags: Shain Rose Romance