Page 174 of Inevitable

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I saw hints of red tunneling my vision as I listened to her, I felt the damn hairs on the back of my neck stand up, and my jaw clenched tighter than it ever had as I responded, “We go at this together, you hear me? I don’t want you going there alone.”

She smoothed back her hair and stood taller like she could take on the world.

“You don’t get to go there without me, Whitfield,” I repeated.

“Don’t I? He’s my father, Jax.” The fight in her was back. I wondered why I wished for it and how I could want to engage in it.

“He’s nothing but a man who gave you life, then took the life that was most important to you.”

She stared deep down into the dark depths of me as she said, “Are you talking about my mother or are you talking about you? Because I lost both of you to him.”

Her words knocked the wind out of me, and she didn’t seem phased at all as I gasped for a breath. When I rushed to her that time and threaded my fingers through her loose hair, she didn’t resist. She met me halfway as I crushed my lips to hers.

When I moved to lift her legs, walking us back to her room, I told her the truth, “You never lost me. I’ve been with you every fucking step of the way.”

She didn’t respond except to bite my lower lip and wrap her legs more tightly around me.

We got to her bedroom and I fell onto her bed with her. She belonged under me and my body always, always, always longed for that, knew that, and fought for that. I slid my hand down her shorts, and she arched into me as she spread her legs.

Her body always knew where it belonged too.

When she gasped against my lips, I pulled away to bite at her collarbone, and moved her panties out of the way. Then, I was sliding my fingers in her and rolling my thumb over her clit just the way I knew she liked.

She barely moaned before I saw the color in her eyes deepen, her pupils dilate, and her teeth bite her lower lip.

“Don’t bother holding back, baby. We both know you want this.”

She groaned, “Please just shut up, Jax.”

I smiled and whispered in her ear as I started to pump three fingers in her. “Listen to me when I tell you we do things my way, Peaches.” My words had double meaning and she knew it as she narrowed her eyes at me. “It’s easier my way. Even if it’s not, my way is our only way.”

She started to respond but I curled my fingers to just the spot I knew she couldn’t handle. She writhed under me and screamed my name like I owned her and she knew it.

After that, I milked the aftershocks out of her until she was so damn pliable, she didn’t even try to help me move her when I flipped her over and took both her ass cheeks in my hands to massage them. “Glorious, Whitfield, fucking glorious.”

She mumbled something but I didn’t hear it. My mind was ruled by my dick at that point. I pulled her hips up and entered her from behind. I slid my hand down her back and wrapped it around her neck, feeling her at her most vulnerable spots. I pounded into her, claiming her over and over.

She took it. She wanted it. She loved it.

Just like I loved her.

We came down from our high and as we lay in the bed, I whispered, “I don’t do music anymore because of this.”

She looked at me with question in her eyes.

“It’s too raw for everyone to hear.”

“Music is your gift. People love that you shared it with them.”

“I never wanted to share it with anyone. I wanted to share it with you and you weren’t there. So, I shared it with the world, hoping you’d hear it.”

“Some days I wished you would have just stayed and shared it with only me. It’s completely selfish.”

I shook my head. “I’m singing for the launch tomorrow and that’ll be it.”


“I love being in the background of it but nothing else. What I feel for you, I can’t share that with anyone else anymore.”

She snuggled closer to me and I held her tightly, hoping to hold on to her just that way forever.

Tags: Shain Rose Romance