Page 50 of Secret Daddy

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“Oh, stop,” I say, blushing profusely. “You’re too kind.”

“You know, I can think of a couple of A-listers who’d absolutely love your work.” Miriam smiles at me. “I want to take you on as a client.”

A thrill shoots through me. “Are you serious?”

“You’ve got talent, Arin. And I really like what your brand is all about. Sustainability, inclusivity, confidence… And to think you’re doing all this while being a single mom? It’s inspiring. I can definitely use that to market you to the masses. Everybody loves an underdog.”

“Thank you so much,” I say softly. I can barely sit still. It’s not every day that my work is praised like this. The fact that it’s all coming from an industry professional is the cherry on top.

“So, what do you say?” Miriam asks me. “I can forward you all the paperwork later tonight, if you’re interested.”

“I’m definitely interested. Absolutely, yes!”

“Wonderful.” She takes a sip of her cocktail before reaching into her purse to pull out her own phone. “Now, I really like that you want to launch during fashion week, but have you thought about where you want your venue to be? Do you have a guest list in mind? The sooner we send out invitations, the better. Oh, and we’re also going to have to host a casting session to find models for the catwalk. Do you have a list of make-up and hair stylists you want to work with? I’ll have to reach out to the press, too. The more photographers we have at the event, the higher the chances you’ll be featured in upcoming magazine spreads.”

My head spins. “God, that’s so much to think about. I’ve been so focused on making the clothes that I haven’t given it much thought.”

Miriam chuckles lightly. “That’s okay. We’ve got plenty of time. And now that I’m your agent, I’ll take care of most of the heavy lifting.”

I breathe a little easier. “Thank you, Miriam. Seriously. This has been a dream of mine since I was a little girl.” I smile down at my drink. “I really want to make my daughter proud. I’ve always had this silly dream of bringing her into a big store on Fifth Avenue and telling her Mommy owns that.”

“Then let’s make it happen,” Miriam says with a big smile. She clinks her glass against mine. “To our partnership and your guaranteed success.”

“Cheers to that.”

Miriam checks her phone. “Oh, I have to go. I’ve got to run a few things by my clients at Gucci. I’ll forward you those documents to sign, okay? Give it a look over and let me know if you have any questions.”

“Will do.”

She gives me a friendly hug before leaving, tossing a quick wave over her shoulder as she steps out of the bar.

I settle into my seat, smiling like a madwoman. My skin is buzzing, and it isn’t even because of the white wine I’ve been sipping. I can’t believe I’m working with a woman who works with people at Gucci. I’m really playing in the big leagues now.

I quickly glance at the time on my phone. It’s almost three, which means I have to pick Felicia up from daycare very soon. Looking around, I try to find Elio so I can flag him down. He told me he’d grab a spot by the bar, but I don’t see him anywhere. Maybe he went to the bathroom or something?

Five minutes pass. Elio doesn’t return. I’m starting to think he might have left, but that doesn’t make sense. As ridiculous as I thought it was, he seemed pretty committed to his role as my bodyguard.

I slip out of my seat and wander over to the bar, catching the bartender’s attention.

“How can I help you, miss?”

“Um, the man who was sitting here… Dirty blonde in the black suit? Do you happen to know where he went? He’s kind of my ride.”

The bartender shrugs. “I’m pretty sure he left twenty minutes ago.”

I frown. Something isn’t adding up. Dominic gave him orders to escort me everywhere. He wouldn’t just leave me here.

“Oh, well,” I mumble. “Would you mind telling me where the nearest station is?”

“Sure, it’s—”


I turn just in time to see Dominic barreling in through the front doors. His hair is a windswept mess, his chest rising and falling quickly with labored breaths.

“Dom? What happened? Did you…runhere?”

It takes him seven long strides to close the distance between us. He takes my hand and pulls me toward him, wrapping a protective arm around my waist.

Tags: K.C. Crowne Romance