Page 46 of Secret Daddy

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My face flushes with heat. I’m gettingwayahead of myself. I can’t even begin to put a label on what we are. What if I’m only a fling to him? Am I even ready to consider settling down — and with a mobster, no less? Good grief, this is such a mess.

Dominic’s brows pull together as he reaches to feel my cheek. “You’re looking a little warm. Are you feeling alright?”

“Totally fine,” I reply smoothly, moving away to take a seat next to my little girl. She’s massacring her pancakes one by one. “If you trust the daycare, then I guess that’s good enough for me.”

“I’m glad you trust my judgment.”

“When will you be home tonight?”

His face hardens. “I can’t say for certain.”

This time, I genuinely am disappointed. A part of me really wants to spend more time with him, and not just on a sexual level either. I want to get to know the father of my child, but his demanding job isn’t exactly making that easy. Early mornings and late nights… I wonder if this is how it’s always going to be with him.

“I need to stop by my shop,” I say. “To pick up a few things. I’m almost finished with your suits, too.”

Dominic nods. “As long as you take Elio with you, you’re free to do whatever you wish.”

Elio throws me a cheeky salute. “Consider me your personal bodyguard.”

From her booster seat at the table, Felicia giggles, copying Elio’s gesture. Her hands are covered in melted chocolate chips. “More pancakes, please!”

I laugh softly, wiping my daughter’s hands with a nearby napkin before picking her up in my arms. “You can have more after you tell Dom to have a good day.”

Felicia beams up at him, not a hint of fear or hesitation in her sweet face. “Have a good day!” she cheers, reaching out to grasp at his lapel.

Dominic stiffens. His look of discomfort returns. I don’t know understand it. Is he not sure how to be around Felicia? On a base level, I suppose I can’t blame him. Dominic’s been thrust into the role of fatherhood in the blink of an eye. I just hope this adjustment period doesn’t take too long.

He takes her little hand and gives Felicia’s fingers a light squeeze.

“Thank you, principessa,” he says before he turns and leaves.

Felicia is unfazed, but I can’t say the same for myself. I place her back in her seat and give her half of a second helping of pancakes. Elio joins me at the kitchen sink, casually leaning against the edge of the counter.

“What the hell was that?” I mumble.

“Don’t read too much into it.”

“How can I not? He insisted we come here. The last thing I want is for them to not get along. This is exactly what I was afraid of. What if he doesn’t…”

“What?” Elio presses. “What if he doesn’t like his own daughter?”

I swallow, my throat terribly dry. “It’d break my heart.”

“Don’t worry, Arin. I’ve known Dominic for a long time. It’s hard to see, but it’s pretty clear he already loves her dearly.”

“Could’ve fooled me.”

“Think for a moment,” he says, not unkindly. “In our world, it doesn’t pay to wear our hearts on our sleeves. The man is showing affection the only way he knows how.” Elio gestures vaguely to the space around us. “A big home, all the toys and food and clothes she could ever ask for… If you’re expecting Dominic to be the touchy-feely sort of guy, I’ve got bad news for you.”

I consider his words carefully as I watch Felicia polish off her breakfast. Now that I know what he does for a living, I can’t exactly imagine Dominic going around giving hugs and kisses. Maybe Elio has a point. There’s more than one way to show affection, and it seems Dominic prefers more materialistic means. He’s a provider — someone who’ll make sure Felicia and I will want for nothing.

That doesn’t mean I can’t yearn for more.

Elio glances at his wristwatch. “We’d better get going. Traffic’s about to get rough.”

“Sounds good. Felicia, please don’t wipe your hands on your hair. The syrup’s going to make it all sticky.”

My baby girl laughs mischievously, but the sound’s so beautiful I’m not even the slightest bit mad.

Tags: K.C. Crowne Romance