Page 25 of Echo Power

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The car hits the boulders, bouncing up and thumping down over and over, jerking sideways so I need to grip the wheel even harder until my knuckles ache from the effort.

When we reach the gap in the rock barrier, Allison shrieks.

And the car flies across the gap, slamming back down on the other side. I yank the wheel to veer onto a path that leads up, away from the river.

"You're insane," she snaps. "We could've died."

"If we had crashed in the river, I would've survived."

"But you don't give a shit if I die."

Do I care about her safety? Only until I get everything I want from her. That's what I keep telling myself.

She bars her arms over her chest and turns her head away to stare out the window. "I'm reconsidering the deal we made earlier. Don't want to have sex with an asshole who's also a lunatic."

"You won't renege. You want me too much."

Allison flashes me a nasty look. "I hate you."

"But we both know you want me to fuck you. That's how I can be certain you'll keep up your end of our arrangement." I turn onto a street, the car jouncing over holes in the asphalt. "But right now, I need you to give me directions to the tunnel you know of."


She provides the information, guiding us through the streets to a building that I recognize as a hospital only because the sign is still visible, though it has suffered some damage. The building itself is completely destroyed. Even if we could find the tunnel, I wouldn't trust the structure to hold, not when I'm looking at its battered remains.

"What now?" Allison asks.

"I don't know." For a moment, I stare at the ruined building while my entire body sags. But I don't have the luxury of feeling sorry for myself, so I turn the car around and head back the way we'd come.

The engine sputters and dies.

As the car rolls to a stop, I turn the key in the ignition several times, but the engine won't start up again. Then I see why. The gauges on the dashboard make it clear.

"Why did you stop?" Allison asks.

"Because we're out of petrol."

"I guess that means gas."

"Yes." I smack my fist on the steering wheel. "We're not going anywhere, except on foot. Unless you know of a place within walking distance where we can fill up the tank."

"Even if I did know of a gas station, I doubt there's anyplace that has power of any kind, even from generators. No electricity, no gas pumps."

She's right, of course. And I'm a bloody moron.

I grab the backpack and swing my door open. "We walk, then. And pray we'll find a safe place to hide."

Chapter Ten


While I walk alongside Dax, as we make our way through the remnants of the hospital district, I can't stop thinking about what I agreed to do with him. He demanded I have sex with him and swore he won't protect me anymore unless I do it. I could've said no to his devil's deal. Instead, I agreed.

More proof that I've lost my mind.

That's the only excuse I have for agreeing to give my body to a stranger who treats me like dirt and snarls at me. It's his fault I'm making horrible decisions. Dax makes me so angry, and I fight the constant urge to slug him, fight it only because I'm sure I'd break my hand if I tried to punch his granite jaw or his rock-hard abs.

It doesn't help that I've seen him naked.

Tags: Anna Durand Fantasy