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Damian grasped my shoulders again, gazing into my eyes with the sweetest look of concern. "It'll be okay. My mom likes to put on a show of being a mystical gypsy, but she's actually a tax accountant, and she's a nice person deep down. Once she gets to know you, she'll love you."

"Are you lying through your teeth to make me feel better?"

He winced for a third time. "Yes. But only a little. My mother takes…getting used to."


"I tried to talk her out of coming here, but she's determined. Mom can be pigheaded, especially when it comes to me and my brother."

"Really?" I said with a smirk. "That's a shocker. I mean, you're so not pigheaded."

His lips kicked up at one corner. "I prefer to call it sexy determination."

"I suppose that's a mostly accurate description." I kissed him. "I'll be okay, even if your mom curses me to be frigid just to stop you from dating me."

"Nothing will make me do that." He pulled me into his arms. "But I want to make sure you're okay with this. You are wearing cargo pants again, after all."

"I like them. They're comfortable."

He gave me a skeptical look. "Are you sure it's not because you're anxious again and trying to hide that gorgeous body?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Maybe I'm not quite ready to go nude again, but I'm telling the truth about cargo pants. I have decided I like them." I patted one of the many pockets on my pants. "Lots of places to stash lip gloss and mascara."

He squinted like he was scrutinizing me. "You don't look like you're wearing either of those."

"No, but I could keep them in these pockets if I wanted to wear them."

"Right." He stroked my back with his palms. "Are you absolutely sure you want to be here when my parents show up?"

"Yes. I'm positive." It was my turn to wince. "Though I can't promise I won't get a teeny bit anxious when I meet your mom. I will not panic, though. I've made a vow to myself."

"Is that like your celibacy vow? Because you kind of ditched that one."

"And it was your fault." I wriggled against him, loving the way he hissed in a breath. I was rubbing myself on the bulge in his pants, after all. "If you weren't so damn sexy, I would've kept that vow for six months."

"But you won't break your no-panicking vow."

"That's right. I understand if you don't believe me, though."

He kissed my forehead. "I believe you, Heidi. I have to get back to work, but we could have dinner tonight. In my wagon. The atmosphere will be sensual and seductive."

"Just like you. Please say you'll make love to me tonight."

"That's a certainty." He kissed me, taking his time, making me feel warm and liquid in all the best ways before he peeled his lips away from mine. "Meet me in the wagon at eight."


He walked out the guest-house door.

And I went upstairs to take a nap. Yeah, I actually slept. Despite knowing Damian's parents were coming tomorrow, I felt more relaxed and at ease after talking to him. When he held me in his arms, all my anxieties melted away. Maybe that meant something, and maybe I'd panic if I let myself examine it more closely, but I'd worry about that later. Tonight, I planned to revel in the pleasure of making love with Damian.

Tomorrow… Well, I hoped his mom didn't lay that frigidity curse on me because I needed to have sex with Damian. Lots of sex. And talking too.

If his mom cursed me to silence, that might be even worse than no sex.

Wow. I loved talking more than screwing. Who knew that could happen?

Chapter Sixteen

Tags: Anna Durand Au Naturel Trilogy Romance