Page 35 of Shattered

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“Oh, I don’t. But I want a big ole diamond ring on my finger so when I’m crying through exams and bored out of my mind in class lectures I’ll be reminded of what I have waiting for me at home.” Kristin winked.

“You’re ridiculous.” Sam started to laugh and then threw her head back on the couch before abruptly standing up. “Okay, I’m done. I have a lab in six hours, which means I have to be up in four.”

“You could be up in five and still make it,” Kristin countered as she placed the now completely empty bowl in the sink.

“I’m going to bed, you dork. I love you, goodnight!” Sam called from the top of the stairwell.

“I love you, too. Sweet dreams,” Kristin teased, and Sam let out a groan before shutting her door.

Her sleep that night was fitful, filled with dreams of long dark hair, tattooed arms, and blue eyes.

Chapter 17 - Callum

Callum didn’t say a word as he rushed through the living room and passed by a very confused Micah and Drew. By the time he was able to gather his thoughts, he felt the sting of the cold water against his back.

“What the fuck are you doing?” he whispered to the icy droplets that raced down his face as he tried to steady his breathing. “What the fuck are you doing?” he repeated as he let his head fall against the wall.

He had kissed far too many women in his life.

He liked kissing women.

He wanted to kiss women.

But he had never onceneededto kiss someone as desperately as he had that night.

He had tried to resist. He had tried so damn hard. And then, somehow his hand had landed on her waist and she hadn’t pushed him away. If anything, he was almost positive she’d leaned further into him. And then there was the way her freckles had lit up in the lights coming from the stage, and the way her hair had looked as if it were set ablaze as she moved. It was the way her smell seemed to permeate every pore of his skin until he wanted to soak her in and never let her go.

“Fuck!” He punched the wall and felt the vibrations move through him.

It was only then that he realized this cold shower, the onethat he so desperately needed, was also washingheroff of him. He almost tripped as he jumped out, dripping water all over the tile floor.


He was still trying to process what exactly had happened that night when he walked back upstairs and rummaged through the fridge. When he stood up to his full height and slammed the door, he found both Micah and Drew now sitting at the bar, each with a shit-eating grin plastered on their faces.

“What?” he said in between gulps of milk.

“I just got a call from a very excited Kristin,” Micah stated.

“Uh, huh.” Callum tried to act indifferent. In reality, he was desperate to know what she’d said.

“Apparently, Sam went to Social tonight and made out with some guy.”

“Hmmm?” Callum responded, still not wanting to give in to where he knew this conversation would lead.

“Have anything to add?” Drew piped up.

Callum rolled his eyes as he looked between his two best friends. Both had rather ridiculous looking expressions.

“Kristin said she hoped the guy knew that if he ever broke Sam’s heart then she would cut his balls off.”

Callums eyebrows peeked.

“I’m sure she would.” His voice was flat.

Micah groaned. “Dude, come on. Talk to us.”

“Why do you two look like fucking rainbows and sunshine?”

Tags: Hannah Till Romance