Page 24 of Shattered

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Her reaction didn’t make sense.

She thought she hated him.

She was supposed to hate him.

But, still, there was something she couldn’t quite figure out: why had he been able to cause so much confusion and anger and…she didn’t actually know what the other feeling she had for him would be called.

It definitely wasn’t lust.

That wouldn’t make any sense when she had already decided she would loathe him for all eternity.Would it?

Originally, she had planned just to head straight to the event from work. But something made her go home and change. Not only change, but also take a shower and put on a little make-up. She even

teased her curls a little.

She got there at eight. The event was almost over. A small part of her had hoped he would already be gone. Another part of her was desperately hoping he was still there. She decided she would stay for thirty minutes and then head straight to the library for a few hours to get a start on her upcoming assignments.

The tally count was right at the entrance to the park. One look at the board and she knew for sure they were going to lose. The other restaurants had too many young—and present—employees for Topline to compete with.

She kept a close eye on her watch, and quickly signed herself in. Thankfully, she found a seat in the back row and sat, refusing to look around. Refusing to look for him.

She had been there all of twenty-seven minutes, debating whether to hold out for the next three when Callum plopped down beside her.

“Are these events always this lame? I mean, I wasn’t expecting much, but from the way Mason built it up, you would have thought it was a mini Olympics,” he casually observed, keeping his gaze on the crowd.

She slowly turned toward him, not sure what to say or do. Of course, her mouth promptly betrayed everything her brain instructed.

“Why are you gross and sweaty?”

“Relay race. Second place,” he said with a smile. It must have just happened. He was still slightly out of breath.

She nodded, but couldn’t help the urge to admire the way the sweat was formed on his brow. There was some stupid taunt forming on the tip of her tongue, but she lost it the second he threw his head back and ran a hand through his long dark hair. She turned back, not sure how to proceed.

God, this man was fucking beautiful.

She looked down at her watch and realized it had now hit forty minutes since she arrived. She could leave. She had plenty of work she should get done in the library.

But…she didn’t.

“Mr. Brimley gets a little extra with stuff like this. I think he’s desperate to win your approval.”

“I can tell.” Callum’s reply was quick, as if he’d been waiting for it the entire time.

“Can I ask a personal question?” she blurted out, immediately regretting it.

“Maybe? Depends on what it is,” he responded, still keeping his eyes trained on the crowd.

Just as she opened her mouth to reply, she noticed Mason—Mr. Brimley—headed their way.

“Hey, Sam, you haven’t done an event yet and we need two more people.”

“No thanks, Mr. Brimley, I think I’m going to sit this one out. I’m exhausted and it’s late.” She began shuffling with her phone, suddenly overcome with an itch to leave.

“Not a chance. The three legged race is next and you two are in it.”

“I’m sorry, no, I don’t think so. I’m about to head out anyway,” she countered and began to stand to leave just as Callum spoke.

“Live a little,” he said to her before he stood and asked Mr. Brimley where they needed to be. After they were directed to the starting line, Callum looked down at her with a smile. “Come on. It’s

Tags: Hannah Till Romance