Page 14 of Marked By Darkness

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Another feeling fills my stomach now. Dread.

Prince says something I don’t understand, but the tone of his voice makes it clear he’s cursing. “She’ll go for back up. We must rush.”

“She would never,” Tristan insists, his voice unflinching. He believes this Mei girl, whoever she is. A tiny pang of jealousy hits me, but I drown it up. There’s no time for it now. I grip his hand and tug him forward once Prince resumes his jog.

We take a turn and my gaze falls on the dog I saw when I arrived. The black puppy so thin I can see his ribs, and the gaze so full of hurt it breaks my heart. I stagger then stop in front of his cage. His eyes pierce mine, but he doesn't whine or anything. The poor thing looks even thinner than before, even when the breakfast plate is full of food close to him.

He's too heartbroken to eat.

My heart squeezes so hard it's painful. I've been this child, in too much pain to do anything other than lie down and hope for it to be over. My hands close in fists. I can't leave this animal here. I won't leave him for a fate worse than death.

"Come now, pet." Prince's brows rise high on his forehead, his gaze darting from me to the dog. "We can't save everyone. I wouldn’t even if I could."

I curl my nose at him. "It's a puppy."


"We can't leave him behind."

He steps closer, his presence growing. I keep forgetting. Prince is not my friend. He's stealing me away so he can use my powers for his own interests too. Just because his antics aren’t the same as Kayn’s, it doesn't mean he wouldn't make me suffer if he wanted to.

"Listen, pet. Your guard is already tagging along, and I didn't say a thing because I'm in a good mood." His eyes narrow. "This behavior of yours sours my day. And you don't want me having a bad day."

We glare at each other, and Tristan's shadow grows behind Prince. I feel his warmth encapsulating, and I know he'd fight the fae if I needed it. A part of me wants him to do just that. Wants to fight Prince and steal his portal stone and leave him behind. Go after Ren, hide for a while.

One tiny problem. I don't know how to use these stones, and stealing from him might not help me in the end. It doesn't mean I'm letting him step all over me, too. I tilt my chin up, narrowing my eyes just like him.

"I am not leaving without this dog."

A high-pitched alarm blares, making me wince. The blue lights darken, turning red. Not ominous at all.

"It's the alarm," Tristan points out, and I have to fight a roll of eyes and a smile. His obvious observations make me want to grunt and laugh at the same time.

Prince bares his teeth in annoyance. "Fuck, I can get you a stray if you want one so much."

That wipes out the near-smile off my face.Rage flares inside my chest and I feel the cold trickling down my veins even before I know what I'm doing. My hand flies to his arm and I grip his jade-green robes in a fist, baring my teeth at him. The soothing feeling I came to connect with my magic rushes into my chest. Prince's face pales.

"I am taking him," I hiss at his face and watch his throat bob.

He jerks his arm free, eyes wide, and whatever I did with him works. Prince's hand trembles a little when he picks up the pouch, and he chooses a stone before he repeats the process on the puppy's glass. I stare at his back, feeling oddly rested. My ribs have finally stopped complaining.

The glass disappears, blinking to nothing like a light bulb dying. The dog doesn't raise his head, watching me as I approach and take him in my arms. It's awkward to hold him because he’s bigger and heavier than I expected, but I manage.

"Thank you," I mouth once more to Prince because I don't want to be a full jerk now. He still looks a bit shocked as he takes the lead again.

I shoot a glance at Tristan. He smiles at me, then shows his hands. Offering to carry the dog. I shake my head. "You do the fighting if we need to."

He nods, a proud smile on his face. “I will, and if I fall, the dog will keep you safe.”

Looking down, I peruse the black animal in my arms. With his matted fur and the lack of response, I don’t think he’s well enough to fight. He needs some time off first. Some rest and protection and good food. Lots of love.

I’ve never had a puppy. It’s nice to want to take care of him. Pressing him to my chest, I brush my lips against his head. “You’ll be fine, Oreo.”

He moves a bit in my arms, and I take it as a sign he likes his new name. Maybe he’s just uncomfortable in my hold, but I’ll never know. Pumping my legs, I follow Tristan and Prince’s certain steps past cages and down corridors.

At least I'm taking two with me. Saving them from the Collector. We turn into a hallway, dark and empty of cells. I shoot one last look over my shoulder at the people I left behind, feeling sick to my stomach and promising myself I'll do my best to bring the Collector down one day. When I know how to deal with my magic.

"Finally," Prince hisses under his breath, reaching for his pouch yet again. "I can't wait to get out of this place."

Tags: Taylor Fox Paranormal